This a magic trick, right????


Well i have 7 hermits in my tank and now there are 3 hermits. What happen to them? I dont see there shells? I know they dont dig under the sand.....or do they???:thinking:


mine ate eachother... i only have 1 now, hehe. how big is your tank, they could just be hiding really well. i hardly ever see mine and i only have a 20 gallon... well, just some ideas for you :D


Active Member

Originally posted by Mr.Smiley
Well i have 7 hermits in my tank and now there are 3 hermits. What happen to them? I dont see there shells? I know they dont dig under the sand.....or do they???:thinking:

If they are blue legs they probably killed each other.
Even if you have 100 shells laying around.
Sort of like 2 years olds...They can have 100 toys but they always seam to want the one the other one has.


If mine werent covered in coralline I woudnt find them neither. They hide under the rocks in small cavities. My guess is to molt and protect themselves from the rest of them while their bodies get hard again. :happyfish