This algae is killing my seafan, help!


Active Member
I'm not sure of the exact type of alge but I've got a lot of growing on my red seafan...only on my seafan though, nothing else....It's killing the tips of it slowly, I have to prune off about half an inch of it due to the do i get rid of it without actually picking it all off...wont it just grow back?
I cant think of a cause...its not growing anywhere else...


Active Member
the dreaded hair algae- good water movement and lower lighting is best- they are not dependent on the sun- just their abality to feed in the water- fans and gergonians are notorious for this problem.


Active Member
Wow, IMO,I would do something soon.
I would get all the polyps retracted and rub gently on the corel to try to get the hair off. Rub from bottom up, not top down. It won't hurt the corel, just make sure to get the polyps in.
Syphone all the hair alge out of the water.
Better yet, if you can take the corel out and put it in a bowl with aqarium water and rub it, that would be better.
The dead tips can be cut off with clean and sharp wire stripers.
I don't think the corel will grow back over the dead spots, but it can grow more if you cut them off. Somebody may chime in and back me up on that or correct me.
When you see any more clinging to it, blow it off with a turkey baster.
They need some good current if you can give it to them.


Active Member
i occasionally clean the ones at my work by running my fingers over the branches and netting out floating algae work well.


Active Member
wow is right man that does not look good at all. if the polyps are white, then the gorgonian is non-photosynthetic, if they are any other color, then they are photosynthetic and use light as a sourche of food. you cna make the call on this one, wether to move it or not. i too gently rubbed down my purple branching gorg with my fingers as it woudl develop a very slimy brown algae around it. it has worked so far, and with regular feedings, is doing quite well.
another thought, if it is non-photosynthetic, and you are still feedign it with that algae like that you may only be fueling the fire, as the algae will trap some of the food and use it to grow, the algae is simply outcompeting the gorg for the available nutrients. maybe try an algae eating fish or invert!
good luck and keep us posted!


I had some algae growing on mine too, my lfs said to try a baby's toothbrush, really soft bristles and brush it of GENTLY. It worked great, just by very careful, it may take a few brushings to get all of off your fan.


oops forgot, also put your fan in front of one of your power heads, this will help the algae in not being able to get a grip on your fan


I am actually experiencing the same problem. All I do is just rub the algae off with my fingers. That works.
FYI, I put the gargonian right in front of the powerhead. The algae is still there.