This board is dangerous!


I have bee unable to pull myself away from the computer. It has been over an hour.
My back hurts, my butt is asleep, my vision has gone blurry, I'm thirsty, my arms are getting numb, and I have no excuse not to get up and walk away, except that I seem to be having two on-going conversations and am hoping that someone out there will identify a wierdo in my tank soon.
My husband is out doing the grocery shopping, and if I am still on this board when he comes home, he will think I have "wasted" an entire evening instead of doing my homework.
And the saddest part is that not only have I been learning all evening (just not about my school materials), but once I log off, I won't be able to do my reading for class tomorrow because I basically can't see.
And there he is.


im a board FREEK....i frequent many others to...and in other hobbies as well...its a good way to find great info (if you can sift through the crap)


Active Member
Sometimes I don't feel like going to bed or sleeping and I spend from 7 at night to 10 the next morning on the computer (mainly this board). Of course I'm still young, so I don't really suffer from the same things as some of you, but my butt does go numb.


hmm i mod 3 boards.. m a member to several.... yup id say they are addicting


Thank God and my wallet for boards like this. Learned more here in 1 week then 3 years going to the LFS.
I have three different hobbies that can be forumed on my three screen setup all at once, Reefing/Sporting Clays and R/C Combat Planes/Helicopters. Sore Butts all around here....
She calls my computer area the cave, but it has a great view of the tanks and big screen.
I'm pathetic I know,


Active Member
i am always here, literally. cable modem is wonderful, :D
if i am not on this board i am at one of the game sites i play at or, actually getting something else done, like laundry or something boring like that :rolleyes: