this clown fish needs help ASAP


Hi guys... please watch this video I filmed of one of my two clownfish... they are about 2 years old. I recently moved my tank from the location in the video to an in wall setup... the fish has the same behavior in both locations. Water parameters now are perfect.
Also this usually only happens at night. And I think it goes almost throughout the night non stop. I have never seen it during the say while the lights are on, only when they are off.
to REALLY see what this fish is doing, please fast forward to the 1:23 mark..... I dont think you will believe what he is able to do. He acts totally normal at all other times, but after one of these episodes he is exhausted. I have seen him get held by my coral banded shrimp, and even the power head but he after a couple minutes will get himself out.
If you have any ideas PLEASE let me know!


Active Member
Wow. That is crazy.
Anything on at night electrical not on during the day?
No issues during the day?
Has it always done this?
If so maybe autonomic disorder. Are these captive raised or caught in the ocean? Sometimes when fish are captured in the ocean chemicals are used to shutdown or shock their nervous system and can cause long term damage.
As well as clowns have been genetically altered now for some time to get different attributes. With all husbandry there are some negative affects that result in odd behaviors.
So your guess is as good as mine. Be sure there is no electric current in the system and your environment is as healthy as possible. Also make sure your feeding good food. Otherwise it seems like you have an acrobat of sorts.


No everything is the same other than the lighting at not. The tank is also grounded so it Shouldn't be that. During the day he is totally normal and it's like a pig. I just wish someone knew what this was.


Well-Known Member
He's practicing for the clownfish Olympics! Acrobatics! I give him a 9 of 10 though, I've seen better.
Unless he has parasites, bacterial infections or gills being eaten up by ammonia - I wouldn't worry so much, as long as he is eating and looks healthy...


Well-Known Member
Plus, If I were you, I would put this in the "disease and treatment" section so that Beth can have a look. She's good at determining diseases and odd behaviors... you may want a second opinion.


Active Member
So are you saying Its grounded AND there are no lights, heater, etc on at night that are not on during the day?


Same heaters that are on during the day, and both were replaced last month when I moved the tank. The fish did this previously with the old heaters too. Also there is another clown in the tank and other fish, he is the only one that acts this way. At night my moon light led come on, but the same issue. These lights were just added and this happened before the lights also.


Active Member
Just making sure its not an Electical issue. Ground plugs do work most of the time but a light current of electricity could cause this type of behavior in some fish but not others. Just want to rule it out. Maybe fish dream and you have "the one". LOL.


Active Member
With as crazy as that behavior is you may want to put a cover on the tank, not sure if you have one already, to make sure he doesn't jump out by accident


Gosh! This USUALLY happens?? What a poor thing. I got dizzy just looking at him. I think he's bothered by the new modifications. Or something. I hope he snaps out of it.


This new setup has only been up for a month. The fish is 2-3 years old and this happened in the old tank Also. Happens every night when the lights are out but it totally normal after.