This doesnt look good


I dont know if anybody is familliar with this stand, but in any case I have enclosed a pic of it. I have also enclosed a pic of my problem. I bought this stand used. I had it set up for about 3 weks full with water and sand, lr only 3 days it seems sturdy and all in fact you cant even shake the thing. But today is when I noticed my problem which has me really worried. I am asking for opinions of this. I know that no one is going to want to say yeh that is okay and then tomorrow it.....well I am not even going to go there. But please give me honest opinions as it is not the money of a new stand it is just the amount of work involved with the new stand, I have a sump under there as well (10gal). I know that it didnt happen since I set up, probally when I moved. Thought of runing some screws to reinforce it but thought I would ask you all first. Please take the time to give me your opinion on this as this is pretty important to me.:(


Active Member
Does this piece right here sit on a lip inside the bottom trim or does it go all the way to the floor?


sits on a lip, I am pretty sure, that is the way it is on the top under the tank, I had looked inside the cabinet and that corner is completly in tact so that was a positive!
If i were you id put a 4x4 against that (inside of the stand) corner frimly then get some 4 to 6 inch black screws and drill them into the 4x4 then you should be fine.


Active Member
I agree if it is sitting on a lip then you need to do something before it falls. Not sure the best way to go about it though.


Active Member
I would try supporting the corner before it gets worse. I would hope that the stand wasn't built with all the weight being on those narrow molding pieces.
Just angle a few screws and pull the pieces back together.


Thanks everybody, I will do some mods to it and see how that makes me feel before I tear it down I was looking at it some more and there is quite a big lip my guess 3/4 inch that the sides are sitting on so hopefully i can get her fixed.


You know what I changed my mind. I just looked at a couple of stands that are real wood and they go for about 150 for a 55gal. I think that the small amount is worth the time and money that I already put into this tank, I just wish I noticed earlier. This really sucks because I was all proud of myself with the way I did all pvc plumbing and everything else. But at the same time I would probally cry if the sucker collapsed not too mention that my landlord would probally be not too happy, so new stand it is, that press board is junk anyway!!!! I am not off to a good start:rolleyes:


I would use 2 metal corner brackets and drill some wood screws to hold them on (not the cheep ones that come in the package). You might as well just do the other corner too that way it matches and will help any future problems. paint the brackets black. I will try to get up early and go in the attic to see how the stand is constructed. I got a 20 gal made by the same company. If you don't hear from me I was to ocuppied watching my new colt and it totally slipped my mind.



Originally posted by jtroutine
You know what I changed my mind. I just looked at a couple of stands that are real wood and they go for about 150 for a 55gal. I think that the small amount is worth the time and money that I already put into this tank, I just wish I noticed earlier. This really sucks because I was all proud of myself with the way I did all pvc plumbing and everything else. But at the same time I would probally cry if the sucker collapsed not too mention that my landlord would probally be not too happy, so new stand it is, that press board is junk anyway!!!! I am not off to a good start:rolleyes:

opps, overlooked the post. The stand can still be salvageable especially if you take it down. You can use it later or sell it dirt cheap. You will be much happier with the look of a good stand.