This fish is not agressive so i should post it here


Ok, my dad said for my birthday he will get me a awseome present(totaly awesome,he said).Well today he told me and my birthday is june 29th.And when he told me,well actully it was a earlly birthday present and he showed me and i droped dead!!!
It was a 180gal tank with a sump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was my only birthday present.Yay now i can get a stingray or shark.Well since i have a sump,how do i work it?And how do i set it up?


Active Member
Thats a cool deal, by the way happy birthday. I don't know to much about stingrays but suspect they would need a pretty well established tank.


Active Member
I coudnt tell you. If you just do that, and keep out triggers and puffers, then you'll be okay. No missing eyes or tails. Bamboo sharks are fairly peaceful, but get the tank going firt with like a skool of chromis. LOL, im obsessed with the crhomis. They are cheap and will look cool, and will help you until yer water quality gets up. Email me about the sump though


i know how excited you must be right now........just a word of advice......just do not rush!! i know you want to go to LFS and get shark/stanray....but it may take from a few weeks to months (depending upon what methods of cycling) until the tank becomes fully established...meanwhile you can work on your new tank and look up some information about keeping shark/ray........congratulations on your new tank!


I always use NH4CL to cycle all my tanks. Fastest way ive come across and NEVER have had an NH4 problem EVER! Stuff works great. Getting ahold of it isnt easy but the results are great. Ive your able to find some add one teaspoon untill the NH4 level is at 1.0. test it everyday untill it goes down to .0. Then add it again untill 1.0. Keep repested this untill you can get it to go from 1.0 to 0 im 24 hours. takes about 2 months. But like i said you will never have an NH4 problem ever!!!


Must be a used tank. Get some aquarium compatable silicone and reseal it, and like everyone says, take your time. A 180 will take longer to cycle than your 55 did, but chromis are your best cycle fish. Cheap for saltwater fish and look nice.



Originally posted by oceanminded
I didnt know sharks werent aggresive according to lions post....hmmmmm

Well i was going to get a stingray and i know that stingrays aren't agressive.


huh. When did this happen? They are close relatives of sharks and eat the same food, what makes them not aggressive? They have the same requirements to keep alive as sharks do plus need even more open sand space which means less LR and thus more filtration from outside the tank. And watch out for the stinger, a hit from it will send you to the ER for a variety of shots plus hurt like you have never hurt before.


Yes, stingrays and sharks do get along. My LFS had a shark (i dont know what kind)and a bluespotted stingray in his 180 for a couple of months and they were fine together:yes: