This good lighting for clams?


I was wondering which kind of clam i can keep under 260watts of PC's? If you have a picture of one that i can keep that would be great! Thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishsta
I was wondering which kind of clam i can keep under 260watts of PC's? If you have a picture of one that i can keep that would be great! Thanks!
not long term


depending on the size of the tank and how far away it should be fine. I have had several friends who have dobe it for long term just because websites like this said it couldnt be done. My ex has several in her 45 tall under 192w of PCs and another friend has had one for 4 years now in her 15 under less than 55w. So it can be done fairly well, just make sure your water quality is great.


Active Member
And its fed.. and high in the tank.
Really you should go with one of the lesser light ones. Derasa or Squamosa or Hippowhatever and see how well those do first.


Active Member
Tank size does not matter. It needs quality of light not a quanity of the wrong light.
For instance; 1 250WMH over a 10 gallon tank and one over a 100G tank. A clam is 8" under the surface right under the bulb in both tanks. Which has the better light? In one tank is 25 wpg and the other is 2.5 wpg. But they are getting the same quality of light.

PC's just don't cut thru the water that a MH will. That is a fact. WHy subjuct a animal that needs the light to a lesser one. Doesn't make sence to me.
My .02


Active Member
Originally Posted by dburr
Tank size does not matter. It needs quality of light not a quanity of the wrong light.
For instance; 1 250WMH over a 10 gallon tank and one over a 100G tank. A clam is 8" under the surface right under the bulb in both tanks. Which has the better light? In one tank is 25 wpg and the other is 2.5 wpg. But they are getting the same quality of light.

PC's just don't cut thru the water that a MH will. That is a fact. WHy subjuct a animal that needs the light to a lesser one. Doesn't make sence to me.
My .02
its true. it will be the same as long as they are the same distance and angle form the light. but i think people was asking because the lower lighting clams, squamoa, hippo, and gingas all get over 2 feet long. so if he is looking for a clam in a 20 gallon tank, thank all the lower lighting ones will be ruled out.


Active Member
oo, one more thing. here we are talking about PCs, not metal halides. 260 watts of PCs are 4x65 watt bulbs. if you have those layed out across a 210 or osmething that big, one then the next then the next, you cuoldnt keep much at all. But if you had all 4 rudding the depth of the tank. if they were all layed next to eachother like a perosn on a bed, then it will provide the same amount of light, but it will be concentrated to a smaller area. so more light will be given off.
but i do agree that MHs are needed for the long term health


Active Member
Originally Posted by dburr
Tank size does not matter. It needs quality of light not a quanity of the wrong light.
Lighting matters without a doubt. 200 watts of pc over a 90 gallon tank is horrible because 90 gallons are deep. Unless you keep the clam at the highest point in the tank like 2 inches from the light. 200 watts over a 40 gallon tank is sweet because it's a much shorter tank and the light isnt so spred out.
MH is the best choice of course, but clams can do well under less than MH. Although unless you know what you're doing and you've nothing but success with other coral/animals for a long time.. skip clams if you dont have great lighting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishsta
I was wondering which kind of clam i can keep under 260watts of PC's? If you have a picture of one that i can keep that would be great! Thanks!
I hope you decide not to get the clam with PC lighting. As someone else said its quality not quanity of lighting watts.
Sure the clam will live but it wont be healthy. Would you feed your dog water and bread? Sure he'll live, but without the protein he wont live a full life.
Unless of course you are planning to eat the clam. IN that case any lighting will do :p


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
Lighting matters without a doubt. 200 watts of pc over a 90 gallon tank is horrible because 90 gallons are deep. Unless you keep the clam at the highest point in the tank like 2 inches from the light. 200 watts over a 40 gallon tank is sweet because it's a much shorter tank and the light isnt so spred out.
MH is the best choice of course, but clams can do well under less than MH. Although unless you know what you're doing and you've nothing but success with other coral/animals for a long time.. skip clams if you dont have great lighting.

Of course lighting matters. And you just re-said what I said. PC is not good penatrating water. The clam needs water and light, lots of light. I have seen a crocea in my brother-in-lews tank live for about a year and die in a 55 gallon with 2 110 VHO and 2 PC's. It never looked great, it did look OK for awhile until it died.
MH is the best choise for long term. Don't buy an animal for short term and watch it die then have to buy another. Save a reef.

Happy reefing