A guy called me today, he has a 110gal reef tank 4'x30"x18" I think . The tank has been up for more then a year now and it has no coralline on the glass at all just a few places on a few rocks. I took my Cal Akl and Phosphate test over Cal was about 490 Alk was 8 dkh and he said the cal was going up he just tested Cal last week and it was about 460. Other problems high Nitrates 40ppm and Phosphates almost 2ppm and he has hair algae growing on the sand it looks like sea grass it was so much. Lighting is 4x54watt T5's and 2x54watt for Actinic. Any idea why the cal would be raising and why no coraline. The nitrates and phosphates a few 20% water changes should bring that down and he will be adding 2 more power heads for some more flow. Thanks.