this is a test do not look. Thanks


Sorry Olouieo. I just looked at the rules of this web site. It does state that all threads that state dont look must be viewed.
This is too bizzare. I thought, hey, with 600 views, photos, and all those posts, this must be something world looking at! I resisted the tempation until now and I was stung!

sinner's girl

guilty yet again. But I'm going to try to help. wasn't there another one these awhile back? I guess, I don't ask ya'll not to post when I test on my new pic's.
olouieo do you still need to know how to post a pic? do you have the pic saved on your computer? if so, you can post it.
when you go to "post new" or "submit reply" under the box you type in are options, under that is :
Attach file:
Maximum size: 102400 bytes
Valid file extensions: gif jpg png txt zip bmp jpeg
Click on the "Browse..." button. and open the pic you want to attach. then attach it and hit the reply/post button.


Why is doing this so much fun?
now I know what to put in my heading when I have a question. :rolleyes: :D