This Is Crazy


New Member
so what you are all telling me is i need to get rid of all my fish and put one flame angel and that is it that is retarded there is no way i am going to put one fish in a 1000 dollar plus setup. if i have to get rid of the angel not a problem dont really care about him anyways i just want some colorful fish besides that it takes how long for a fish too grow really i mean he is small like 3 inch tops
so i am thinking what a year maybe two before he gets too big for the tank and by than i wont want him anyways. all i really want is some pretty fish thats about it and all the small fish are ugly and stupid looking its the bigger fish that are nice to look at if i wanted to get small ugly fish i would have gone with fresh water
And with a 1000 dollar setup? For that kind of money I would think you could keep more than a Flame angel, unless you paid $1000 for a 15-20 gal. or something....
What is up with this thread?


He/She got flustered and started a new thread instead of replying to "Large Angles (sic)"
*sigh* sad sad sad


Active Member

Originally posted by wrcooper
so what you are all telling me is i need to get rid of all my fish and put one flame angel and that is it that is retarded there is no way i am going to put one fish in a 1000 dollar plus setup. if i have to get rid of the angel not a problem dont really care about him anyways i just want some colorful fish besides that it takes how long for a fish too grow really i mean he is small like 3 inch tops
so i am thinking what a year maybe two before he gets too big for the tank and by than i wont want him anyways. all i really want is some pretty fish thats about it and all the small fish are ugly and stupid looking its the bigger fish that are nice to look at if i wanted to get small ugly fish i would have gone with fresh water

growth depends on the species
if you think you are not going to want him after a couple of months, then why get them? we adopt these creatures
UGLY? what fish are ugly? they are all beautiful, esp in sw
ultimately it is your tank and your choice, but if you do not plan on caring for them, why bother?sorry, but his is my feeling on the matter
and how big of a tank are we talking about and what is in it now????? If you want us to help you, you have to give us some info, and not make us go looking for it, that will turn alot of people away.


1000 dollars isn't alot of money for a salt water tank IMO anyways. I have a 55 gallon that I coverted to salt water from fresh so Im not even counting tank and stand. figure lighting live rock, addatives, protein skimmer, filters, sand, salt and fish. easy 1000 dollars. i couldnt imagine having to get everything I would need to have a really nice 200 gallon or so tank.
Ok 1000 dollars isn't that much for a 55 gal. all setup I agree. But then you would be able to keep more than just a Flame angel in a 55. That was where I was going.
Even a $1000 for a 29 gal. setup you could keep more than just a Flame angel. (other small fish)
Anything smaller than that I can't see spending $1000 unless it had some really pricey equipment (MH, UV ster., chiller, etc....) But I suppose it is possible. Not a good bargain shopper though!
Anyway, we don't know the situation in this case, so it is hard to say what is acceptable


New Member
okay once again i am running a 48 gal bowed front with a corner taken out for the internal pump and filter i am using 40 pds or so of live rock and i have crushed coral as the bed i currently have one snail and a pink spotted puffer fish who is about 3 to 4 inch long and i have a korean angel that is about 2.5 maybe 3 inch but they are telling me i need to pull that fish out should i just pull both of them out and say the hell with it. i know nothing about the smaller fish and i refuse to put a damsel in my tank they are ugly fish and i dont like them..
i dont want a reef tank i dont like the plants i think they are ugly all i want is fish and i want really bright ones.
any suggestions would be helpful i dont mind getting rid of the fish i have altho they seem to love eachother or something they refuse to leave each others side and they sleep together and everything its so weird everything i read said that the korean would pester him and he has never pestered that fish.
another thing if i keep the two fish i have than thats all i can have from what i am hearing i checked all of my lvl's and everything is in perfect shape all of my tests showed perfect lvl's nothing is going wrong with the tank at all.


Active Member
OK...I was the first one to reply to this post, and it is now gone. I don't understand...what was wrong with my post?
I posted a link to an information site about flame angels, that I did not see any links to purchase or anything. Did I overlook some hidden link on that page?


Active Member
This happened to me on the sand sifting star thread too...just quoted from an info site and gave the link I took it from. Is that the problem? Cause if it is, that really I say really blows.
Still looking for the rules and regs to read up on this...if anyone can link me to them, I'd much appreciate it!


I read what these people have to say. Then I do some research on my own and try to reach a HAPPY medium. The internet is a boundless source of information. Some of it is even correct. In the end it is your aquarium,your fish and your hobby(You just happen to share it with alot of fine people).


I think this is what people are trying to help you avoid. I had a naso tang, gold banded maroon clown, 2 shrimp, snails, hermits, foxface rabbit and a green chromis in my 55 gallon. I had a skimmer and a whisper filter with 60-80 lbs LR and a 4 inch sand bed. I had a wipeout loosing everything but my clown and a serpent star because with that many fish. medium sized naso and foxface my tank could not keep the nitrates down. I attributed it to having the 2 larger fish even though it took 2 months to get to dangerous levels.
I have kept fresh water fish for years in 55 gallons and smaller. I thought what the hell I have had 10-20 medium sized chiclids in a 55 whats wrong with 4 or 5 fish in here now. Fact is salt water fish are MUCH more sensitive than fresh and even the slightest change in water parameters can put you out several hundred dollars in fish.
Some people are luckier than others and most don't listen to advice. I say do whatever you want to do and learn from your mistakes. Thats pretty much the only way most people learn anyways.


Active Member
i spent over 700 dollars on my set-up it would have been 500 maybe even less if i had actually had patience and read up on the things i gotten, im guilty of getting things on those sunday bag sales at below wholesale prices and thinking it would be okay in my tank. I was wrong. I figured, 3 fish wouldnt hurt in my tank, i was wrong, i forgot the the shrimp had to crap too, resulting in major dookie all over my tank when it came to cleaning plus my nitrates got higher. so i now have 2 fish and 2 shrimp, im planning to give atleast one of my shrimps away to lessen the bio-load but im changing my water weekly.
1000 dollars is normal, do research on the fish you want to get, IMO DONT NOT ASK THIS QUESTION AT A LSF "do you think i can put this many fish in my tank? ", most of the time they will say yes
Crack open that fish book or go online and search for the fish you absolutely want, make a list and get what you only want
good luck


New Member
okay well i have only those two fish in my 48 gallon i have kept track of my NO2 and NO4 or 3 whichever one it is and my amonia and they are all below what is considered acceptable and i have asked people if it is better to have it lower or in that range they said lower better so i have a good tank here i think and i have looked at the fish they seem to like the amount of room i think i am going to try another small fish nothing big no more big fish i think one or two small fish and i should be alright i want imput so please tell me i will update the fish i am getting to let yall know if i go overboard please let me know i am going to to try to get rid of the korean i am not sure yet i will wait and see what happens because i do plan on upgrading the tank quite a bit maybe that will help but i do have stuff in there to drop the nitrates and what not i need to clean all the poop up i can see it LOL on the bottom i dont have anything to clean the poop thought of getting a couple of crabs so two more fish and two crabs thats all i want to add is that overboard that would be 4 fish and two crabs in my 48 gallon what do yall think please tel lme i need the help the other two fish and crabs will be small also will the crabs get eaten by my puffer......