This is just sick...warning, this is disturbing


Active Member
Alright, that is one that is truly sick disgusting as its pruely for the slight of blood these people do this. Horses are not fighters. As sick as this may sound, there could actually be a point to dog fighting as that's what those animals do, attack and kill. But horses? WOW, just see they slowly nick each other off, maybe ripping an ear off and slowly bleeding to death, or dieing from stress is truly moronic.


Dude, I wouldn't have even thought of it... how weird!

Well, these are the people who think whole chicks cooked in the shell are a delicacy... what can I say?


That is so wrong!
Stallions by nature will fight when given the opportunity (I've seen a stallion escape from it's stall...and somehow get himself in by another stallion and they were fighting...and then when the handlers tried to separate them the stallions ended up getting out of the barn and running down by one of the freeways in Illinois fighting the whole way...luckily they were separated/caught). I can't even imagine how they would get with a mare in heat around them!
I work with horses, including stallions, and they can be some of the most unpredictable and hard to deal with horses when their hormones take the best of them. But to think that humans would view this as a sport is just horrible!