Yes, 80 is much better. Remember, these guys are from the tropics and the water is much warmer down there. You should also slowly raise the specific gravity to .35. An s.p. of .21 is okay for a fish only tank, corals and invertibrates like more salt in their water.
As for acclimation, once again, slower is better. If you want, you can do 1/4 a cup of tank water every 15 minutes for 2 hours. Shrimp and snails are more sensative to water paramiter changes then fish. I used 1/4 cup every 15 minutes for an hour on my peppermint, boxer crab and emeralds without any problems. Also, I float the bag for 15 minutes before adding water so the temperature change doesn't shock them.
Yes, 80 is much better. Remember, these guys are from the tropics and the water is much warmer down there. You should also slowly raise the specific gravity to .35. An s.p. of .21 is okay for a fish only tank, corals and invertibrates like more salt in their water.
As for acclimation, once again, slower is better. If you want, you can do 1/4 a cup of tank water every 15 minutes for 2 hours. Shrimp and snails are more sensative to water paramiter changes then fish. I used 1/4 cup every 15 minutes for an hour on my peppermint, boxer crab and emeralds without any problems. Also, I float the bag for 15 minutes before adding water so the temperature change doesn't shock them.