This is my help thread lol


How do u cure live rock? and what is the difference between cured and uncured rock? What are the conciquences of adding uncured rock?
Cured live rock: The term "cured" refers to the fact that it has all sorts of live things on it. It has sat in a store tank for a while, and it was piccked up all sorts of benifical bacteria, and it has no die off.
Uncured live rock: This rock is straight from the sea, to your door. There is more die off, and if you put it into your tank, it will start a cycle. It may be prefered if its a new tank. You get more hitchikers.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cyclops
2 clowns per tank??? thats not true it depends on what typ of clowns you buy for instance you can have many percula clowns that will live together in harmony. I have 4 in my tank and they all get along there is one femal and one male the other two are real small and act as a helper but if the femal or make should die every clow will move up.
Just do your research and you will find out which clowns need to be paired or single.
can you have it,,, yes but y would u want to take the chance. this person said they were new so lets keep it simple. are they going to no y or what to do when they fight becasue the 2 will gang up and kill the other?

btw it isnt going to last th long