This is Nanocube i started 4 months ago

u z i

New Member
Thanks dude .. i just bought Tiger pistol s.. thingking to get the blue spost jawfish ... will the jaw will pair with my Tps ?


very pretty,, ,i need more info.. size, inhabitants,, yadda yadda,, did i mention its very pretty!!

u z i

New Member
alrite .. it 28g nanocube : 2 True Percula Clownfish / 1 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp / 1 Firefish / 1 Purple Firefish / 1 Tiger Pistol Shrimp / some snails + hermits + 1 queen conch .
so wat ya guys think ? the Bluespotted Jawfish will pair wit Tiger Pistol Shrimp ? is it kinda hard lv Jaw care


Jawfish need atleast 4 inches of substrate to burrow,they have a tendency to topple LR that is sitting on top of sand and can be crushed...
,, they do not always pair up.. though you could buy a pair together...

u z i

New Member
guys .. is it gonna be bad if i add goby ( 1 inch ) to buddy wit my tiger pistol shrimp ( 2 inch ) ? cuz i saw all the clips people had their goby bigger than the TPshrimp >.<


is you question whether or not you can add a goby to pair with your shrimp? Yes you can try.. it does not always work,,,

u z i

New Member
dude the point here is my TPS double size the Goby ... question ,,, will they pair up ? or will the TPS will kill the small goby


I'm sorry that I can't always understand what your asking, no need to be rude. And I'm female.
So, now your asking since your shrimp is larger will it pair up with a smaller goby...I still
am giving the same may work...pistol shrimp are normally larger than the gobys when they are
full grown,,
There is no such thing as a definitive answer in this hobby, what works for one person may not work for you...
And if you don't want me to rephrase a question when I'm not exactly sure what you are asking because either your auto correct on your
phone, bad grammar or bad english. I'm just making sure you and anyone else understand my statements and what I am thinking.