This is news to me :l




This may be old news to all of you, but I have only been 'in the loop' for a few months now, but here it goes...
Common name: Ocellaris clownfish, Anemone Fish, Orange Anemone Fish, Nemo, False precula clownfish
I 'face-palmed' incredibly hard....
I really dont have much to say about that....I understand that if someone doesn't know what an ocellaris clownfish is you can tell him, its what Nemo was....or even to just to explain it to a child....but to honestly call it 'a nemo'....NEVER NEVER NEVER!!
*bangs hand against the wall*
If it ever becomes common ground to ask 'why is my nemo not eating', or 'how do I breed my mated nemo'....I will probably give up on aquariums forever.


Well-Known Member

Calling a fish Nemo is hardly such a crime. After all the entire purpose of speech and writing is primarily communication. If one word won’t help use another, for those who can’t hear in life sign language was created. So I am of the mind that whatever it takes to get the point across is just fine.
So the kids or unlearned call it Nemo, just say the right name and let it go, eventually they will remember it. Life is too short to get wigged out over such small things as calling a fish by the wrong name.


I tend to exaggerate as much as I possibly can, I did go about that post the wrong way. It does still annoy me a bit, but would never desuade me from trying to setup my tank.
But still, it is amazing how one movie can have this affect.


Active Member
I think the movie did two things. It got a lot of people more interested in the hobby but the downside is that a lot of those folks probably jumped in without doing any research and thus probably have suffered a lot of losses.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mrdc http:///forum/thread/383040/this-is-news-to-me-l#post_3346969
I think the movie did two things. It got a lot of people more interested in the hobby but the downside is that a lot of those folks probably jumped in without doing any research and thus probably have suffered a lot of losses.

Very true, same thing happens with dog moves, 101 Dalmatians, Rin Tin Tin, Lassie even the little pug dog from men in Black. People see a critter and think it looks cool and then without any research run out and get one.


Active Member
People who bought the dalmations probably got a shock because those dogs are HYPER!!!
I remember reading a story about there being too many chiuauas on the market due to the celebs parading them around and movies like beverly hills chiuaua.
Anyway, to get back on topic, I don't have a problem with people calling clowns nemo fish as long as they don't really think it is a nemo species but I am sure that is not the case. My kids stil call them nemos but they also know that they are clown fish.


Originally Posted by mrdc http:///forum/thread/383040/this-is-news-to-me-l#post_3346978
People who bought the dalmations probably got a shock because those dogs are HYPER!!!
I remember reading a story about there being too many chiuauas on the market due to the celebs parading them around and movies like beverly hills chiuaua.
Anyway, to get back on topic, I don't have a problem with people calling clowns nemo fish as long as they don't really think it is a nemo species but I am sure that is not the case. My kids stil call them nemos but they also know that they are clown fish.

thats all I really ask for


Active Member
My bad thing is with coral since I still call most of them by their "street" names instead of their scientific names.


Man do I know the pain of this one. When I worked at a pet store in my city, more and more did I hear, "Do you have any Nemos?" Now this would be fine if the people asking were children, but these people were full grown adults. I would say clown fish? They would say "No Nemos." So I would say you mean clown fish. They would then try and correct me again by saying "No Nemos, like in the movie Finding Nemo." SSSoooo I would say come with me take them back to where the "Nemos" were and pointed at the tag and say clown fish. LOL I did this very politely also I wasnt a dick about it, but did they even watch the movie? Man I cant stand that at all lol maybe I'm crazy but who knows


Active Member
a while ago i bought a Clown form my LFS and he said "any of these nemos your looking at?" im like "uhhh yeah that clownfish" Then he says right back, "Alright, HEY, BOB, come get this nemo for this customer." It pissed me off.