This is so frustrating!!!!!!


So this is what i have, and this is my plan:
29 gal w/40 lbs LR/base rock, and 3" sand bed from bagged sand. I have 2 turbos & 1 astrea snail, about 9 hermits, 1 emerald crab, 1 orange diamond goby, 1 skunk cleaner shrimp. I have a koralia nano PH now, and a koralia 2 PH coming tomorrow. Currently, i run a AquaClear 70 (300 gph) with the intention of turning it into a HOB refugium a some point down the line after i can afford a protein skimmer.
Looking at my tank now, i'm wondering if i'll need to do that sooner rather than later. Will a skimmer help take algae out of the water column or just with waste?
Also, how often should i change the foam block in my AC 70? The directions say every 2 months, but i checked it last week during a water change & it was extremely nasty. I riinsed it in my siphoned out water and that helped. It has only been in there about 1 month, i was surprised at how gross it was. I am currently using the media that came with the AC (foam block, carbon, ceramic cylinder things) Is there something better i could be running in it until i can get the skimmer and modify the AC?
FYI, i use RO water that i buy from a water store locally. Have never tested it for phosphates, don't have that test kit yet.


I don't know much about the AC. But a good skimmer is the best thing you can get for your tank.
The skimmer will remove waste not the algae. But the waste breaking down in the tank is what can cause high levels of phosphate and nitrate which is what algae feeds on.
The great thing about skimmers is that they don't just catch waste in a pad or other media in which the water column stays in contact with. They remove waste out of the water and into a collection cup.


Hi Subie,
I've considered that, but then i wouldn't have a filter. Don't i need to wait till i get the skimmer at least? THanks for your help.


Originally Posted by cjworkman
I don't know much about the AC. But a good skimmer is the best thing you can get for your tank.
The skimmer will remove waste not the algae. But the waste breaking down in the tank is what can cause high levels of phosphate and nitrate which is what algae feeds on.
The great thing about skimmers is that they don't just catch waste in a pad or other media in which the water column stays in contact with. They remove waste out of the water and into a collection cup.
I hadn't really thought of it that way, you know, about the algae feeding on the waste that is not being filtered out....Hmmm...more reason to do the skimmer thing sooner rather than later. I've tried cutting lights, feeding small amounts of frozen food every other day. I hate looking at my tank covered in algae.


The 2 best things you can do to stop the algae problem..
1) buy a good skimmer
2) use RO/DI water (don't let filters, especially the membrane get old) and mix your saltwater for changes ahead of time in a trash can with a PH. Mixing my saltwater for several days before use probably made the biggest short term change in having a nearly green algae free tank.
and I only have a skimmer. no other mechanical filtration.. no sump and no refug.


It's a 75 Gallon. I use a AquaC Remora Pro skimmer. It's a hang on.
Besides that, I have 65lbs of LR.. about 50lbs of LS. I mix my saltwater for at least 3 days before use, using RO/DI water. There's a PH and a heater mixing the water in a trashcan in my garage.
I do a 10% change once a week. Feed frozen food. Half a cube twice a day to feed a Yellow Tang, 2 clowns, a wrasse, 2 damsels, and a green mandarin (who eats frozen food.. which is rare).
Clean up crew is 4 astrea snails, 2 turbos, about 10 hermits.
other than that.. i use the Bionic 2 part daily dosing for maintaining calcium/alk levels.
Tank is algae free. LR is about 50-60% encrusted with purple coraline.