This is terrible


So one day I came home and I found that a peppermint shrimp I had for a little over a week was dead. I didnt realy know why. The next morning I found my royal gramma was on his way dying. I tested the water,everything was fine. I didnt know the problem, I thought it could be some parasite or something. So this morning one of my occellaris clowns died. My clowns were acting very funny on the same day that my gramma died,they wouldnt eat and they just kind of looked sick (skinny and stuff like that). My gramma was also acting funny the day when the shrimp died,but in a different way. Again I checked the parameters and everything was fine,also I have a few coral and they are doing perfect,they are even growing. Today I went to the lfs to get my water checked to make sure my tests werent faulty,and te water was fine. I then mentioned to the guy that I founf a hitchhiker crab two weeks ago,and he told me that was probably the problem. And that he was probably killing them at night while they were sleeping. What do you all think?
By the way one of my ocellaris clowns is still alive.


could be if they have pointy claws there bad flat paddle looking claws algae eaters


But if they were acting funny, the crab was not the problem. Did the crab have white claws? Was it furry? If it was both of these, then you have a Gorilla Crab. Get it out fast, they can get huge.


Yeah thats what I dont get, they were acting a little strange before they died. When I saw the crab I couldnt tell what color the claws where, but he was hairy/furry, and had pointed claws. What I did was put in a glass jar with some brine and mysis shrimp in it, and hopefully tonight when it is dark he will get trapped inside. I just dont know if I put enough food in there.
Oh and by the way, just incase the fish had parasites, I think tomorrow I will be purchashing a cleaner shrimp. Just because Ive always wanted one, and he will keep the parasites away.


Well-Known Member
it could be a crab.
What kind of water do you use? Sometimes if you use tap water that is not fully dechlorinated it will paralyze your animals and they will perish, especially invertebrates.
Good luck catching the crab!


Active Member
FWIW, there isn't a parasite or disease that will effect both fish and inverts. Just too different of genetic makeup.
I don't particular think it was the crab. How much turbulence is the water getting? Do you have a skimmer or a sump? Are there ripples in the water at the top of your tank?


Yes, I do use tap water,it could be that the water wasnt dechlorinated enough. Beforemy fish died the royal gramma appeared dead but would move ever so slightly while it was looking dead on the sand bed. But if that was the case then wouldnt my coral be dying as well? They are actually spreading.
I have a maxi jet 600 with some power filters. And I did take the air tube off of it so it would just be blowing water,not bubbles/air.

coral keeper

Active Member
We need to know more about your set up. How many gallons is the tank? What kind of filtration are you using? How long has it been cycled? Every how often do you change your water? Does your tank have a sump/fuge? How long do you wait for the chlorine to evaporate before you use it for water changes? Can you please post all the water parameters and not just say their good. How much LR and LS do you have in there? Whats your stock list? What kind of salt do you use?