This is the best day of my life!!!!


Active Member
My uncle has a 125 gallon tank that he had his 7ft snake in but then once the snake got larger he got a larger tank and he heard me talking about getting a new tank last night and he told me i could have the 125! FREE.. What sould i use to clean out the tank? Cemicles or cleaners? We might get it from him this week or next. ( have to make a spot in my room for it) :D


To clean it use hot water, and vinager if you need a chemical. Also the grocery store sells disposable scrubbers, they're blue, and 10 to a pack. They are plastic so they won't scratch the glass, but I use them to clean EVERYTHING tank related (and my car too!).
Congrats on the find!! Some people have all the luck! :rolleyes:


be careful once you add water because the ammonia from the snake watse deteriorates the silicone seals and it might leak. fill it up first where you can drain it fast if it should leak.


Oh and you might have to cycle a little longer. If it is going to add more amonia to the tank than it already wil probably have going through the cycle.


Active Member
its a fish tank. he was going to get fish but he desided to get a snake so he just put the snake in the fish tank.



Originally posted by Tizzo
To clean it use hot water, and vinager if you need a chemical. Also the grocery store sells disposable scrubbers, they're blue, and 10 to a pack. They are plastic so they won't scratch the glass, but I use them to clean EVERYTHING tank related (and my car too!).
Congrats on the find!! Some people have all the luck! :rolleyes:

What is it with people always wanting to use "vinegar"? I wouldn't bring vinegar close to my tank, let alone bring it in my house, unless I had some "hot sausages" in it......:D just kidding with you Tizzo.....I just read the other thread where you said the same about bleach....which I agree with you on that.:D :jumping: