This is the one I like....


You know what, I dont recall ever seeing one of those fish in any tanks on this site. Does anyone have one?
Just out of curiosity(sp?).


I have one. It was in the tank when I bought it. They said they hadn't seen it in a couple mo. before I got it though. It does usually stay in the rocks but it has a certain cave it loves to hang out in so we can usually at least see him in there. But low and behold this morning when I fed them, he came right out in front and ate more than I have ever seen him eat, guess he was hungry!! Usually he hangs back and just eats what ever happens by (I feed them frozen brine shrimp)
When he is out though it is worth the wait, he really is a cool fish. He does seem to come out more when the lights are off though.
My LFS had 1 in their tanks for the longest time. I don't care for mostly black colered fish. Blend in to much with the background.


I guess I don't have anything black in my tank to blend in with. He is really a beautiful fish, and really interresting to watch. He will "hang" nose down and extend his fins out where he looks really cool with his big "eye"up at the top. Neat to watch.


Sorry, no digital camera, but I wish I could.........he is even out right now!!!!! :jumping: My boys are always on the lookout for him. This means family time at the tank!!!


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We have the LA expansion AHL team right here in Manchester where I live. Ive only missed two games this season and weve locked in second place for the playoffs. Theres a lot of good action and a lot of players that play for both teams on a regular basis (Pavel Rosa, Kip Brennan, Matt Chouinard, etc.).