This is what really bothers me about most "conservatives"...

I'm just going to come right out and say it. I'll probably get blocked or kicked off the site, but honestly, at this point, what do I care?
Here's what I absolutely cannot stand about most people who call themselves conservatives and republicans.
You're cowards.
You say "I think it's good that an African American finally got elected president", then you go to your e-mail and read all the racist Obama jokes your friends forwarded to you today. Nothing like a good "Hussien Obama" joke to start the day!
Just because your parents and grandparents threw around the n-word doesn't mean you have to as well.
But again, on forums and out and about, keep acting like it's no big deal, when I GUARANTEE that at least half of the people reading this right now have a deep dislike for Obama simply because he is black.
And when you think black, you think gang bangers, and drug dealers, Escalade's, welfare checks, slutty mothers who don't know who their childrens fathers are and don't care (they just want the check every month) etc, etc...
And let's not just leave it at blacks... lest not forget the "dirty Mexicans", or "wetbacks", or whatever the term du jour is.
You whine, and moan, and complain that immigrants are just ruining this country! Boo hoo!
Yet your political ideologies created capitalism, which in turn introduced these super global corporations to the world, which in turn led to those same companies HIRING ILLEGALS to take "good jobs from hard working Americans".
If you actually got your way and had these immigrants cast out of America, you know what would happen? The cost of everything just went up 25%. Then you would throw your arms in the air about that too...
So in the morning, you don't want the immigrant here, yet that afternoon you happily cash that check when you get a good return on your dividend thanks to the immigrant worker who made the profit possible.
Say what you want about us liberals, but at least we shoot straight. Sure, there are those who take advantage of the system, but they don't make any qualms about it. You go down and ask a lot of people in the welfare line why they are unemployed, and a lot of them will tell you "because it's easier cashing this check every month."
Don't get mad at them because they are taking the easy way out. Get mad at the system for ALLOWING that to happen. And yes, this is where you will all say "Sure, blame the system". But you HAVE to blame the system. It allows this to happen. You fix the system, you fix the problem.
Truth be told, I have a great deal of respect for the far, far, far right, because at least they are honest. They will tell you they don't think a black man should be running the country, and they will say it to your face. I may not agree with them at all, but at least they have the balls to come right out and say what's on their collective minds.
As long as conservatives say one thing, and then do another, things will never change.
Conservatives are the most hypocritical bunch of people I have ever seen.
"You want to have your cake and eat it too" has never carried such a metaphorical truth than to you good conservative.
Maybe it's time you all got together and started your little revolution i've heard so much about. I for one would gladly sign off on you leaving these United States, as would tens of millions of others.
But that would never, ever happen, because all you would have is a bunch of rich folks milling about in their big, shiny factories, wondering where all the help has gone...
Just the cost of doing business...


Active Member
hmmmm....I think I can honestly say I really don't personally know a single person as ignorant as you describe. In fact most of your comments I would consider offensive if I knew one or more of my friends were as you described.
Maybe you just need to find new friends....


Active Member
I'll be glad to start the show...My responses are in RED
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
You say "I think it's good that an African American finally got elected president", then you go to your e-mail and read all the racist Obama jokes your friends forwarded to you today. Nothing like a good "Hussien Obama" joke to start the day!
I, nor anyone I know, claim that it's good that an African American got elected President. The Presidency of the United States is not about race. The only people that are proclaiming this are, well...Democrats. But yes, I enjoy good email jokes about the Prez, just like you do.
Just because your parents and grandparents threw around the n-word doesn't mean you have to as well.
Agree, which is why I don't, nor have I ever.
But again, on forums and out and about, keep acting like it's no big deal, when I GUARANTEE that at least half of the people reading this right now have a deep dislike for Obama simply because he is black.
...could care less if he was purple
And when you think black, you think gang bangers, and drug dealers, Escalade's, welfare checks, slutty mothers who don't know who their childrens fathers are and don't care (they just want the check every month) etc, etc...
No, but that sums up the low income black population. But definately not my concept of "black".
And let's not just leave it at blacks... lest not forget the "dirty Mexicans", or "wetbacks", or whatever the term du jour is.
You whine, and moan, and complain that immigrants are just ruining this country! Boo hoo!
I employ, and consider my friends, many Hispanics....All LEGAL (makes a difference).
Yet your political ideologies created capitalism, which in turn introduced these super global corporations to the world, which in turn led to those same companies HIRING ILLEGALS to take "good jobs from hard working Americans".
Yup...I'm really seeing a lot of those illegals on CNN that's taking all the bank bailout money. Yeppers, illegal Mexican execs, etc...
If you actually got your way and had these immigrants cast out of America, you know what would happen? The cost of everything just went up 25%. Then you would throw your arms in the air about that too...
So in the morning, you don't want the immigrant here, yet that afternoon you happily cash that check when you get a good return on your dividend thanks to the immigrant worker who made the profit possible.
See above...nothing against immigrants, so long as they are LEGAL
Say what you want about us liberals, but at least we shoot straight. Sure, there are those who take advantage of the system, but they don't make any qualms about it. You go down and ask a lot of people in the welfare line why they are unemployed, and a lot of them will tell you "because it's easier cashing this check every month."
Don't get mad at them because they are taking the easy way out. Get mad at the system for ALLOWING that to happen. And yes, this is where you will all say "Sure, blame the system". But you HAVE to blame the system. It allows this to happen. You fix the system, you fix the problem.
That statement right there sums up your entire fallacy. If you would get off your azz, and quit taking the "easy" way out, you would learn that you can make 10 times more.
Truth be told, I have a great deal of respect for the far, far, far right, because at least they are honest. They will tell you they don't think a black man should be running the country, and they will say it to your face. I may not agree with them at all, but at least they have the balls to come right out and say what's on their collective minds.
As long as conservatives say one thing, and then do another, things will never change.
This, in and of itself, proves that you are racist. No conservative in their right mind has said that "a black should not be running this nation". See responses above. This is a typical liberal excuse/answer when things are going down hill.
Conservatives are the most hypocritical bunch of people I have ever seen.
"You want to have your cake and eat it too" has never carried such a metaphorical truth than to you good conservative.
Maybe it's time you all got together and started your little revolution i've heard so much about.
You are about to see it, in the upcoming election...


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
hmmmm....I think I can honestly say I really don't personally know a single person as ignorant as you describe. In fact most of your comments I would consider offensive if I knew one or more of my friends were as you described.
Maybe you just need to find new friends....
I have to agree and you will seldom ever see me post in a political thread. I'm a conservative that came from a long line of democrats. I can think for myself and don't follow anyone blindly in politics, religion or life in general. I don't like Obama. I don't care if he is black or purple. I don't think he has a clue how to run the country and I'm pretty sure we are going to be paying for his incompetence for a long time.
On the other hand, I can't stand Palin so I couldn't vote for McCain either and I will never vote against someone or pick the lesser of two. I think Palin is an idiot for lack of a better word.
So not sure what you are trying to say but about conservatives in general. Maybe we are like everyone else including liberals. We have those that think for themselves and have the right to choose what they believe and then we have those that will blindly repeat what they hear from the extremist of their parties and have no clue what they are saying.


Active Member
That's better. Conservatives, such as myself, need pics to look at since we don't know how to .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Active Member
....and Clemson, don't assume that everyone wants you kicked off the site, or that you will get banned, etc. Actually, I like your intellectual responses and insight at times. But this is really off the charts. Even you, has to now realize that you have bought in too far. Quit drinking the Koolaid man. It's not always a war between Repubs and Dems, or whites and blacks, or rich and ghetto with chrome rims. Quit drinking the Koolaid. Wake up and start making decisions for yourself.


Active Member

Originally Posted by T316
....and Clemson, don't assume that everyone wants you kicked off the site, or that you will get banned, etc. Actually, I like your intellectual responses and insight at times. But this is really off the charts. Even you, has to now realize that you have bought in too far. Quit drinking the Koolaid man. It's not always a war between Repubs and Dems, or whites and blacks, or rich and ghetto with chrome rims. Quit drinking the Koolaid. Wake up and start making decisions for yourself.
You, sir, must be a conservative. It's easy to spot a consevative. You actually want
him to think for himself.


Hey im not racist I have a friend thats black!
LOL sorry had to.
Dude I dont know where you come from but maybe you need to move, come to a true melting pot city like chicago. Here we dont care what race or income level you have as we hate you all equally!


Active Member
Ahh, now now Clem, DId we have a bad day? Your post is full of the same narrow minded bigotry you want to label conservatives with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shwstpr88
Hey im not racist I have a friend thats black!
LOL sorry had to.
Dude I dont know where you come from but maybe you need to move, come to a true melting pot city like chicago. Here we dont care what race or income level you have as we hate you all equally!
Mason is my guy. I'll gladly follow him to the white house....congress first, though. One step at a time.


Active Member
lol, you know what, I kind of agree with you on the immigration thing (to a point) when immigration control is argued from a security point of view it makes sense. But when it is argued from a loss of jobs, or they're taking over perspective the argument doesn't fit the ideology.
But come on, you really think the dems what you see is what you get? Is this before or after obama promised "comprehensive healthcare for everyone" while also promising it won't cost anything else. Plus has a 3 year taxes period before any "benifits" kick in...
Anyway, drink a beer, watch some liberal show the colbert report will do, then wake up, and hate us again in the morning...


Active Member
I really don't give a rats rear who runs this country. He,she, it,black,white,yellow,brown......don't care!!! If they can get us out of this mess/nighmare tailspin bring them on.
I say next election we don't show the person,name,race, s/e/x. Then no one can gripe about it.
We just need to ditch the parties and just start moving forward. dropped this bomb, you need to step up babe, there are some folks who are aware of these types of threads that "dump and run".