This is whats wrong with people blindly voting for someone just because of race


Active Member
I love howard and hes fantastic but keep in mind that African American's consist of less than 5% of the U.S. population.


Active Member
not so much concerned with that ,i'm concerned about the fact that so many people - (my ex included thats what sparked all this) are voting for someone just based on color ? my ex flat out told me that white people should vote for obama to make up for slavery...?.... i never had any slaves
. then i go online looking for 'white guilt votes for obama' and find this. i dont get it whoever those people are didnt even know what he stood for at all and that lady was the worst of the bunch. im trying to find the same thing (but reversed) but i cant...not yet at least


Active Member
I sent this to the Hubbs and he, after managing to stop cracking up laughing, quoted Winston Churchill;
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter"


Active Member
That is priceless!!!!! Howard for president
at least he has the balls to speak up! I hope the people defending Obama here all hear this. Good job finding it


Active Member
Where's the whining Republican picture when you really need it?
The reality is that there are a lot of legitimate reasons people have to make their decisions. A lot of people believe that the candidates will say anything that they think will get them elected and their promises have little bearing on their actions in the White House. If you believe this, you will make an assessment more on appearance or demeanor.
Secondly, a lot of people think that having a 1/2 black person in office would represent progress in this historically racist country. Is there a legitimate reason why this shouldn't be an important factor to certain people?
Finally, don't you think that there are people who will NOT vote for Obama because he is 1/2 black or because he had a muslim father? Would any of you be ripping someone for making that choice?
The reality is that people have many reasons for making this choice in voting. No one has a right to criticize what's important to someone else. My sister in-law is disabled and in a wheelchair and she support's Obama because he is in favor of the stem cell research that may help her walk again someday. Some people have lost loved ones in the war and support Obama because he has been consistent in his view that this war is unjust. Some people just listen to them speak and trust Obama's word more. Some people are nervous that McCain's age and health issues may make him unlikely to complete a term or two in office. Are any of these reasons any better than another? Voting is private and personal to people. Silly that any of you are arrogant enough to criticize another person's political support. Is yours any more important?
Ignorant people... not talking about the people in the clip, BTW.


Active Member
Are you any more virtuous or intelligent if you choose your candidate based on how it affects your taxes and finances? Naaaahhhh... personal greed is much more intelligent of a reason to make a choice than to promote racial progress.


Active Member
I am NOT a hateful person , nor do I agree with the mentality in that video....but at least they did seem to know who they were against
they didn't have Obamas views confused with McCain's. But they were total morons so I guess it dint matter.


Active Member

Originally Posted by crimzy
Secondly, a lot of people think that having a 1/2 black person in office would represent progress in this historically racist country

Can you name a country that isn't "historically racist?"
Originally Posted by crimzy

Are you any more virtuous or intelligent if you choose your candidate based on how it affects your taxes and finances? Naaaahhhh... personal greed is much more intelligent of a reason to make a choice than to promote racial progress.

As long there are those that separate races, we'll never get anywhere. Electing someone, merely based on this pipe dream of "racial progress" has no relevancy at all. It really should be about their policies, not their color of skin. Sure both sides have the wrong that vote Obama because he's black and those that vote McCain because he's white, but hopefully those inferior beings cancel each other out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
I sent this to the Hubbs and he, after managing to stop cracking up laughing, quoted Winston Churchill;
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter"

He also said
"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
Winston Churchill


Active Member
And another thing, (then I may conclude my rant
Maybe black people feel that Obama will be more sympathetic to the experience of being a lower income black person. You may think that Obama/McCain's tax proposals will give you a benefit. As I stated earlier, my sis in-law thinks that if Obama takes office, there is a better chance that stem cell research will pass, thus a cure may be closer for her. All of those choices are based on self interests. What's the difference?


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
He also said
"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
Winston Churchill
::wistful sigh:: don't u just looooove ole Churchy??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
::wistful sigh:: don't u just looooove ole Churchy??

We shall not see the likes of him ever again...
"My rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and in the intervals between them."
Winston Churchill


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
so yeah thats all i'm gonna add
Wow! Thank goodness those are the people that won't remember when Election Day is or the Registration Deadline! They would be free votes for my choice, but I don't want those cheap votes.
Originally Posted by crimzy

Let me tell you... those who oppose Obama are sooo much more intelligent.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
And another thing, (then I may conclude my rant
Maybe black people feel that Obama will be more sympathetic to the experience of being a lower income black person. You may think that Obama/McCain's tax proposals will give you a benefit. As I stated earlier, my sis in-law thinks that if Obama takes office, there is a better chance that stem cell research will pass, thus a cure may be closer for her. All of those choices are based on self interests. What's the difference?
i can respect stem cell / any medical research , for the most part im for it. and i hope no matter who is in office your SIL will get the chance to walk again .
but i think that anyone that will vote for someone simply because of their race and not even be able to recognize the complete opposite views or even the vice they have running with them is a complete and total moron...and those nasty bigots yelling that stuff at the mcain rallies can burn in hell. i do not trust obama ,(mostly because of his associations with the unsavories ) he does appear to be a well spoken intelligent individual . i do not like mccain because of the choices he has made in his personal life, though i do agree with more of his policies .there are certain issues i agree with each candidate on - but i seriously doubt at this point i will even vote at all ,
nobody ive ever voted for has won anyways