This is whats wrong with people blindly voting for someone just because of race


I'm not sure what the point of this post is considering there are just as many white uneducated and uninformed voting for McCain just because they are racist and don't want a Black men running this country.


Active Member
Take it from someone with a sevre medical condition that also has 2 parents that have conditions that WILL KILL THEM. Stem Cell Research may work 20-30 YEARS from now not in the next few years. The human Genome is so complex that the mechonisoms that control it have to be decoded first to figure out what cause stem cells to become all the types of cells in the body. Trust me I would love the ablility to get a new CNS including brain for myself but I know it will never happen. I for one think we need to put more money into Epilepsy and Autism research yet it will never happen why not high tech enough.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
And another thing, (then I may conclude my rant
Maybe black people feel that Obama will be more sympathetic to the experience of being a lower income black person. You may think that Obama/McCain's tax proposals will give you a benefit. As I stated earlier, my sis in-law thinks that if Obama takes office, there is a better chance that stem cell research will pass, thus a cure may be closer for her. All of those choices are based on self interests. What's the difference?
your sis in law has no grasp on the issues either. McCain supports embryonic stem cell research


Active Member
why is it ok for a black to vote for obama because he's black, but not for a white to vote for mccain because he's white?
or, how about if mccain was the democrat nominee and obama (
) was the republican nominee? would there still be all the attack ads against him, or would that be considered racist?
im just putting it out there...


Active Member
IMO, embryonic stem cell research is not necessary. Why use the cells of a human embryo? This embryo has the potential to be a fully functional child to someone. I think it's wrong.
What is wrong with using adult stem cells that can be harvested without causing any harm whatsoever to the donor? Why terminate a human life without cause? I don't get it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
IMO, embryonic stem cell research is not necessary. Why use the cells of a human embryo? This embryo has the potential to be a fully functional child to someone. I think it's wrong.
What is wrong with using adult stem cells that can be harvested without causing any harm whatsoever to the donor? Why terminate a human life without cause? I don't get it.
What bugs me is the lies put out there by the pro stem cell crowd. There have been no great advances from the embryonic cell lines but you wouldn't know it from those who support it.
I have no problem as long as they are using material that would be incinerated anyway. As far as I know the bill that was put out there prohibited creating embryos for research. I really don't see what there was to oppose in it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
why is it ok for a black to vote for obama because he's black, but not for a white to vote for mccain because he's white?
or, how about if mccain was the democrat nominee and obama (
) was the republican nominee? would there still be all the attack ads against him, or would that be considered racist?
im just putting it out there...
How dare you put forth facts in such a sensible manner.

It's a good darn thing there are not more people who think like you or Obama wouldn't stand a chance to fulfill "The Dream".


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
why is it ok for a black to vote for obama because he's black, but not for a white to vote for mccain because he's white?
You have taken this entire discussion backwards. The OP is condemning these people for voting based on race. Every single poster, besides me, is in agreement. Yet no one seems to even acknowledge all of the people who won't vote for Obama (and therefore will likely vote for McCain) because he's black. In a sense I agree with you that there should be some consistency.
So are you condoning race based voting, or calling out all the idiots for supporting McCain just because Obama's black? You can't have it both ways.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
your sis in law has no grasp on the issues either. McCain supports embryonic stem cell research
First of all, you're an a$$ for this comment. Second, how exactly, if my sis in law supports said research, does that reflect a lack of grasp on the issues? Arrogant to think that someone who disagrees with you must have a lack of knowledge.


Active Member
This is whats wrong with people blindly voting for someone just because of race---how they look----where they come from

how they sound

on and on and on.
How many of the approx. 122,000,000 that vote are like the people in the link? Probably more than we would want to know!


Active Member

Originally Posted by crimzy
First of all, you're an a$$ for this comment. Second, how exactly, if my sis in law supports said research, does that reflect a lack of grasp on the issues? Arrogant to think that someone who disagrees with you must have a lack of knowledge.
Addressing the Moral Concerns of Advanced Technology
Stem cell research offers tremendous hope for those suffering from a variety of deadly diseases - hope for both cures and life-extending treatments. However, the compassion to relieve suffering and to cure deadly disease cannot erode moral and ethical principles.
For this reason, John McCain opposes the intentional creation of human embryos for research purposes. To that end, Senator McCain voted to ban the practice of "fetal farming," making it a federal crime for researchers to use cells or fetal tissue from an embryo created for research purposes. Furthermore, he voted to ban attempts to use or obtain human cells gestated in animals. Finally, John McCain strongly opposes human cloning and voted to ban the practice, and any related experimentation, under federal law.
As president, John McCain will strongly support funding for promising research programs, including amniotic fluid and adult stem cell research and other types of scientific study that do not involve the use of human embryos.


Active Member

Originally Posted by crimzy
You have taken this entire discussion backwards. The OP is condemning these people for voting based on race. Every single poster, besides me, is in agreement. Yet no one seems to even acknowledge all of the people who won't vote for Obama (and therefore will likely vote for McCain) because he's black.
In a sense I agree with you that there should be some consistency.
So are you condoning race based voting, or calling out all the idiots for supporting McCain just because Obama's black? You can't have it both ways.

Originally Posted by AquaKnight

Can you name a country that isn't "historically racist?"
As long there are those that separate races, we'll never get anywhere. Electing someone, merely based on this pipe dream of "racial progress" has no relevancy at all. It really should be about their policies, not their color of skin. Sure both sides have the wrong that vote Obama because he's black and those that vote McCain because he's white, but hopefully those inferior beings cancel each other out.



Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight

I was ignoring your post because most of it was such nonsense that it didn't deserve a response. Your first point, regarding other countries being racist is completely out of left field and has nothing to do with anything being discussed. Your next point was that we shouldn't see race. To that, I simply say, welcome to la-la land... it's a beautiful place. But your final sentence did address the point I made about consistency... the only issue being that my question was posed to cowfishrule for his backwards comparison.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Your first point, regarding other countries being racist is completely out of left field and has nothing to do with anything being discussed.
Sure it does. You seemed to think (or that's the impression I got from your post), that the US was the only country that's ever dealt with this. EVERY country more likely then not, has dealt with slavery or racism at some point. Trying to overcorrect is an asolutely horrible idea, that only hurts more people. How's promoting one race ever going to get them 'equal?' As I understand it, any types of 'race laws' are long abolished. The "minorities" have every advantage as any white men, and often times more (minor scholarships, for example). This is one of my many 'barbaric' similes, but do you think that a handicapped person wants to be treated special their own life, or just be normal and be one of the gang? Does an honest, black candidate want to win because he is the absolutely best choice for the majority, or have the job handed to him because he's black?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
I sent this to the Hubbs and he, after managing to stop cracking up laughing, quoted Winston Churchill;
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter"

Gotta love churchhill and some of his famous quotes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
First of all, you're an a$$ for this comment. Second, how exactly, if my sis in law supports said research, does that reflect a lack of grasp on the issues? Arrogant to think that someone who disagrees with you must have a lack of knowledge.
First off below me
I am talking about her believing Obama was the only candidate who supported stem cell research. McCain does as well so she doesn't have the facts. And If you had bothered to read my other post you would see I don't oppose embryonic stem cell research so I don't disagree with your SIL
It's a cryin shame so many Obama supporters believe his advertising campaign rather that checking to see exactly who believes what.