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See this just doesn't make sense. We raise fish and coral with very low tolerance levels. Who only live in certain nutrient poor areas of the oceans. For your argument to work they'd have to be coral reefs anywhere. And there simply is not.
That's absolutely not true. The ocean is a low nitrate/phosphate environment regardless of whether or not the additional parameters required allow for the growth of reefs. There are no reefs off the coast of Louisiana. That is meaningless in terms of the dead zone. The zone is demonstrably man made, reef presence or not.
Nice try though.
As for our planet. Personally this green movement has nothing to do with the planet. It has to do with a power grab. (look up "environmentally unfriendly" W's house vs the noble prize winning for his "green work" Al Gore.
You'll get no argument from me there. Al Gore is a profiteer. So is W. One is barely beige living in his 10,000 sq' house, the other brown, vacationing on his 100,000 acre ranch in Paraguay...
Yer kinda calling Castro good compared to Stalin. Green? Hardly fits the bill for Dubya or Algore.
I'm not against being a good steward of our planet. I believe that is part of our jobs as humans put here by God. But the the solutions are worse than the problems. From power compact lights with enough mercury to need a hazmat crew, to a president advocating government "advising" the people when to turn on and off the lights and their AC. To cars filled with actual toxins in the form of batteries. It is illogical and bass ackwards. It bad math, and faulty science and a fraud. The biggest scientists are paid by people looking for results to fit their agenda. And the biggest advocates are murders, or busy fabricating the next hockey stick graph.
Again, I agree. I'm not your run of the mill extremist. Yes, CF bulbs are full of mercury. I run them in my house anyway, because they consume 1/5 the electricity that incandescents do, and last 10-15 times as long. That's less smog in Arizona and Colorado and other places that CA buys its power from, and the bulbs can be recycled. But less altruistically, that amounts to an almost 50% savings in my electric bill, compared to that of my neighbors'.
Per PG&E's own statistics, replacing one incandescent bulb with a CF in every household in CA is the equivalent of taking 2 million cars off the road in terms of GHG production. That means less consumption, which translates into longer life of the power producing resource (largely Persian Gulf fossil fuels). How could that be anything but good?
Do you have any idea the hazardous waste generated in the process of creating solar panels? It's seriously ugly.
We don't live in a perfect world. I don't get the Sierra Club/Greenpeace/PETA mindset either though. To berate interim solutions because they're less than perfect is simply foolish. It's a start. It's progress. Is that not the objective?
All I'm arguing is that there's no harm in consuming less. If nothing else, it reduces our dependence on our less than friendly oil suppliers.