.....this might be it for her......


Active Member
My dog has gotten in a bad habit and will not stop being and pooping on the carpet so my family are going to sit down at dinner and find out what to do, giver to this Hunter we know or ......i dunno what we will have to talk. I'm thinking about my next pet, thinking about making a nice aquascape tank for a turtle/frog/guppies i saw a set up like that at a pet store and i was amazed!!! Or i'm think about a monitor lizard. But i really dont wanna give up my dog
but if its for the best for her..... (plus since my parents work all the time and i'm at school shes lock up in her cage


Active Member
With dogs you have to have a routine and follow that routine and be consistant. I've had dogs since I was a little kid and I've never had a dog that wasn't house broken in less then a week.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
With dogs you have to have a routine and follow that routine and be consistant. I've had dogs since I was a little kid and I've never had a dog that wasn't house broken in less then a week.
what about like more then 4 months? Shes been doing that ever since we got here pretty much


When she wakes up.. take her out,after she eats.. take her out,after she plays.. take her out.Just before you go to bed take her out.And any other time that you can spare.Everytime she poops/pees,give her a small treat,and say " good girl muffy ( or whatever her name is)
If she poops/pees in the house,show her what she did,with a firm tone say "NO bad girl" (don't use her name) and take her out.Worked for my lab,sheperd,and bichon


Active Member
BTW, this is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off subject but, how many war of the worlds movie did they make? 3? Sorry but i had that question on my mind all day


Active Member
um.. i just wanna give 1 very cool idea.... make a tutle tank.. with a super mini pond for it to relax in.. but also have a 1' waterfall that triclkes into the pond.. it will look soo cool!!!!! ( maybe try and get some moss like stuff and plant it in the waterfall area....make it look soo real!!! and soo coooool


Active Member
Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
um.. i just wanna give 1 very cool idea.... make a tutle tank.. with a super mini pond for it to relax in.. but also have a 1' waterfall that triclkes into the pond.. it will look soo cool!!!!! ( maybe try and get some moss like stuff and plant it in the waterfall area....make it look soo real!!! and soo coooool

haha thats what i was planing on doing


Active Member
well........my dad wasn't home for dinner so it looks like i gotta wait till tonight. I gotta good plan, i'm going to tell my parents what you all said sound like a good plan?


Wow .......what a good reason to be peeing and pooping on the floor... And you were all at the extreme of getting rid of her........ Imagine if you could not talk and had a problem. Start at the basics first.........


Active Member
same thing happened with my cat. turned out she had chronic urinary tract infections and she has to have prescription food.expensive unfortunately. 40$ for a 10 pound bag!


Speaking as a long time professional dog trainer who's rehabilitated and trained hundreds of dogs that were given up for "behavioral problems":
1. It's always a good idea to rule out a medical problem.
2. Barring any medical problems the best way to housebreak any dog at any age is to give the dog a reasonable bathroom schedule, praise for going outside, if the dog has an accident inside roll up a newspaper then WHACK YOURSELF REPEATEDLY IN THE HEAD SAYING "NO! BAD OWNER!" FOR NOT WATCHING YOUR DOG MORE CAREFULLY.
In all my 20+ yrs of working with all sorts of animals I've only ONCE found one where the animal was at fault. Except for that one time it's always been the owner's fault (actually the one time it was the owner's fault too for letting the dog be bred in the first place, a chow/wolf mix, then abandoning it so that it became feral). Every dog can be trained by someone with enough time, love, patience, and knowledge.


Active Member
DaneDodger-I am interested in your advice as a professional. We have a sheltie that has troubles with submissive urination. We are working with her right now by getting down to her level and calling her to us (outside, so we don't have the mess) and then praising her when she comes and more praise when she doesn't wet the whole way there. She seems to be getting better but is there more that we can do. She is 2.5 years old and an absolutely wonderful dog besides this. I would just like to be able to reach down to pet my dog without having a wet carpet at the same time. TIA Rhonda
Cartman-so glad you guys decided to have her checked before just putting her down. Keep us updated on how she progresses.

yellow ace

I have had a pug puppy for about a month now and he is fully house trained, this is our schedule, it is not fun getting up early, but WELL worth having no messes!
The Monks of New Skete- "The Art Of Raising A Puppy"
House Training Schedule For Puppy

6:30 A.M.
Walk pup breifly
7:00 A.M.
Feed pup and offer a drink of water.
Walk pup.
Return home and play breifly with pup.
Pup stays in crate.
Walk pup.
After walk, pup stays with owner 15 minutes.
Pup returns to crate.
12 noon
Feed pup second meal and offer water.
1:00 P.M.
Walk pup.
Return home and play with pup.
Pup returns to crate.
Offer pup water.
Walk pup.
Pup returns to crate.
5:00 P.M.
Feed pup third meal and offer water.
Walk pup.
Allow pup to play in kitchen while dinner is being prepared.
7:00 P.M.
Walk pup breifly.
Return home and play with pup.
Before Bed
Walk pup.
Pup sleeps in crate or on a tether in your bedroom.
I know this is a pretty demanding schedule, but since week 1 we have had no accidents! I hope this is helpful for you a good luck with your dog.



Originally Posted by DaneDodger
Speaking as a long time professional dog trainer who's rehabilitated and trained hundreds of dogs that were given up for "behavioral problems":
1. It's always a good idea to rule out a medical problem.
2. Barring any medical problems the best way to housebreak any dog at any age is to give the dog a reasonable bathroom schedule, praise for going outside, if the dog has an accident inside roll up a newspaper then WHACK YOURSELF REPEATEDLY IN THE HEAD SAYING "NO! BAD OWNER!" FOR NOT WATCHING YOUR DOG MORE CAREFULLY.
In all my 20+ yrs of working with all sorts of animals I've only ONCE found one where the animal was at fault. Except for that one time it's always been the owner's fault (actually the one time it was the owner's fault too for letting the dog be bred in the first place, a chow/wolf mix, then abandoning it so that it became feral). Every dog can be trained by someone with enough time, love, patience, and knowledge.
sorry not trying to hyjack this thread... u being a dog trainer have any ideas for breaking the habit of jumping on people when they enter the house... not in an agressive way just a playful boxer way... it's annoying and have tried water bottles can with marbles nothing works....


My cat had a problem with him that he peed on my bed for like 3 months. It was quickly solved by the vet with some medicine, it was an infection or disorder of some sort, I cant remeber. But my bed still smells horridly of cat pee


Active Member
Originally Posted by Muneyd00d
My cat had a problem with him that he peed on my bed for like 3 months. It was quickly solved by the vet with some medicine, it was an infection or disorder of some sort, I cant remeber. But my bed still smells horridly of cat pee

DOOD use your Muney and buy a bed without CAT PEE!!! :joy:
ps I hope this helped