this normal for a Dispar Anthias


hey guys/gals just got a Dispar Anthias the other nite.. and within ten minutes of being released into the tank.. he found my cleaner shrimp... now what is scarying me is that the shrimp is putting his cleaner claws down the fishes mouth.. i mean waaaayyyy down and then the anthias opens its gills and the shrimp cleans in there too.. should i be concerned any?
on a site note got some star polys and some green zoos too.. going to see if i can keep them going.. :happy:


Completely normal, my angel gets "the treatment" from my cleaner almost everyday. I don't see how it can be comforatable but the angel seems to enjoy it:happyfish



yeah kinda figured it was some what "normal" ... just wasnt sure.. my fiance' says that he still does it from time to time..