This picture was used in a catalog


Active Member
Thanks again guys!
jon, they did have permission as I submitted them sort of as a contest to get into the catalog.
hair, sorry, it is a colt coral. It grew like made when I first got it but I haven't seen any growth on it for around 6 months, which I should probaby be thankful for as they can grow to be huge.
steel, thanks! me too! it's one of my favorites. I don't feel like I really deserve any credit for the pictures though, it isn't like i created that animals, just captured them on film, er disk.


congrats on the photography. You said your tank looks much different now, did you happen to have recent shot?


Active Member
Here is my most recent. I don't know if it looks all that different to you guys, but to my "trained" eye, I can see all of the changes I made. This one is still out of date, I don't have the sponge--it fell apart a few weeks after I took this picture, I do have a pagoda and hammer coral now, and a few other things are re-arranged again.


Active Member
I've had him for around 6 months or so and none so far. While he is definitely the king of the tank, he causes no problems.


Active Member

Originally posted by ozadars
Your tank looks beautiful...
BTW what is your new anemone? Heteractis Magnifica?

If Heteractis Magnifica is a Sabae, then yup. If it is something else, then nope.
Actually, I don't know for sure it is a sabae, as the owner I bought it from didn't know what kind it was. However, it looks like a sabae and I've no reason to assume it is something different.
Thanks again for the compliments.


Active Member
Is that a peer reviewed journal? It doesn't count unless it's peer reviewed. Lets just call this thread a peer review. Looks great! Must be awesome to see pics of your hard work in print:D :cool: :D