This should be on the Newbie board


Bought a "Mexican Dragon eel" (what the lfs said) without researching. Researched when I got home to find that lots of sites say it's really aggressive!! I asked the lfs guy like 10 times, it isn't too aggressive right?? no no no....... I told him I have a Cinnamon Clownfish, who gives lots of color to the tank, wouldn't want to lose him.
Anyone has it? is it too aggressive? I also have a Panther Grouper that till now hasn't touched the cinnamon.....should I worry?
OH! and he told me that it should be sold for like $250, and he sold it to me for $60... not a great deal right?!



Active Member
Yep, mexican drgaons will attack fish. They are quite aggressive.
You will also have to worry about the panther grouper with the clown once the grouper gets some size to him. They get 18", as I am sure you know.
Also, he really did not cut you much of a deal. Mexican dragons usually sell for $60-$80, definitely not $250 like he told you.


Active Member
Yes, if it were me, I would probably take him back and demand my money back, saying you were mislead by the employee who repeatedly said it was not aggressive.
Getting it out may be the difficult part..


Active Member
Ah, we all make stupid mistakes. Now, at least you know to always research before you buy things. Look on the brightside, it could have been worse.


i'm sorry....
but does anyone have one in their tanks with other fish?!? I know I'll have to take it back
but it's soooooooooo cute........
there's the clown (pic) , do u think he's in inmediate danger??



Active Member
That's a Jeweled Moray (Muraena lentiginosa). They're invert eaters and are not aggressive towards fish.
The name "Mexican Dragon" is always confused between Muraena lentiginosa and Muraena pavonina, which is the "true" Mexican Dragon.


Ok now I'm even more confused :notsure: it's a jeweled moray?? and the jeweled is even more aggressive than the mexican dragon?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stella
Ok now I'm even more confused :notsure: it's a jeweled moray?? and the jeweled is even more aggressive than the mexican dragon?

You have a Jeweled Moray (Muraena lentiginosa). They are not aggressive and they are invert eaters...not fish eaters. Depending on what tank mates you have in the tank, you'll more than likely be able to keep this Moray and be just fine.


Originally Posted by AW2x3
You have a Jeweled Moray (Muraena lentiginosa). They are not aggressive and they are invert eaters...not fish eaters. Depending on what tank mates you have in the tank, you'll more than likely be able to keep this Moray and be just fine.
what about the clown? do you think he/she will eat it?


Active Member
It's possible...but Snowflakes have been known to eat small fish too.
Keep it well fed (squid, octo, shrimp, etc) and I dont think you'll have a problem.


I'll try to feed it tonight..... any tips??
let's see how it goes this week :happyfish
thanx for the replies


I have a Jeweled that is now about 20" and he is fine with the rest of my fish. I do make sure that he does get fed well because mine does have a nasty history towards aggression ( he bit 4 people at the lfs ). Once got I got him home and acclimated he is a well adjusted member of my tank.
Mine does prefer to eat cut fish as opposed to scallops or shrimp so I would suggest you monitor it but I think you will enjoy having it in your tank.


It's a 125g, still need more LR, not too much though, for swimming space.
the only thing missing in that pic is an additional powerhead I added.