This stinks! Or does it?


I live out in the country now and I love it. The bad part is that we seem to have many power outages. I am now looking for a generator because of what happend a couple of weeks ago. 17 hours without power! I lost an aweful lot. All I have left in my 180 tank are my 6 cardinalfish, one green chomis my cleaner shrimp, 2 CB shrimp and an urchin. I HAVE ROOM!
I'm over the shock and disappointment of all the loses I suffered and I am ready to move on. My generator should be here in two days sooooooooo its time to think about re-stocking my tank.
Does anyone have any ideas about what I should add? I like tangs and angels but am open to all ideas. I have 2.5" of LS and about 200-250# of LR. How about you thoughts.


First off have you thought about contacting the power company about this? You can make them liable. Iv seen it done before.


No. I have never thought about that. I'm not sure that I can make them assure me that I have power at all times. It goes back to that old "Act of God or nature" thing that companies like that slip in there on ya.
Its not worth my time to find out that they are not liable.


one thing i would think about is adding to your sand bed. 2.5" will not help as a biological filter assuming that is what you would like to do with it. a min. of 4"-5" is needed. there are many articles written by dr. ron shimmik (sp?) addressing the benifits of a DSB and the correct parameters of accomplishing it.
just a though, hth.


I agree with the post above. Add another 2 inches at least. Southdown sand will be adiquate (sp). As far as fish, you can get so many opinons on this one it would be confusing. I would do some research pick some and start another thread about your possilbe choices.


be careful of the NEW southdown sand. i just picked up another 50lb. bag and it said not aquarium safe. needless to say i called southdown to find out why the change. it seems that they have started to process it in the same plant with the same equiptment as all of there other products such as limesone, concrete etc. without washing, sterelizing or changing anything. be vary careful which you get. i dont know how much of the old stuff there is still around.


Thanks for the suggestions. The sand I have now is Agronite (SP?). Its a little bigger in diameter than regular sand. I guess I could buy a few more bags of that and put it in the tank. I really am not sure which way to go with things. I may just purchase corals or I may stick with fish or some combo of both. Its been so long since I have had the choice I do not know which to pick. :D



Originally posted by HolaCanthus
Noamada if you read the old bags of southdown it too says not for aquarium use!

ill have to check that tonight, i have one old bag left. i didnt notice that.


I appreciate the input so far everyone but I was really looking for ideas about what livestock to put in the tank now thats its practically empty.
What would you do with an open 180?


Oh how i wish i had your problem (not the loss, but the oppurnity to stock a 180 gallon) If it were me, i would make it a peaceful community tank with live rock. a clown or two, some chromis, royal gramma, red lipped blenny, fairy wrasse, neon goby, antenna goby and pistol shrimp, maybe a damsel, powder blue tang (kinda difficult though), cardinal, and then, if it were me I would add a bunch of small gobies and blennies. And then, if you arent doing a reef maybe a hawkfish, and some angels. those fish, for the most part will get along. they all have cool personalities and beautiful colors too. good luck choosing fish.