This sucks

I dont have any way of getting money for getting stuff for my tank. Theres no way i can buy all the live rock i wanted now. Any 1 know any good jobs. (not old enoguh to get 1 yet) This sux. I might need to sell my tank cause i might not have the money for it. I love it so much though.+:( :( :(


Active Member
yeha i know how u feel, i have to get a job soon. Iam trying to run a 125 and 30 and paintball all at the same time. It really does suck.


rome was not built over night take your time with the hobby it pays in the end
took me 2 years to get here


Active Member
We have a pre job aged person in our neighborhood who rakes leaves and just about anything else you need him to do. Last weekend I saw him working with someone on their landscaping.
Just a thought. ...:)

nm reef

Active Member
My 10 yr old son is constantly wanting new video games for his station 2...etc.
He takes trash out for a elderly lady next door...mowed lawns...rakes leaves...does work for my parents and my wifes parents. Does chores here at the house. I made him a deal back in the summer...for every $20 he "earns" on odd jobs away from the house...I pay him $10...cost me a small fortune but he has earned a fairly large sum of cash and could probably take up the saltwater hobby if he wanted to.
Bottom line...if there is a will...there IS a way!!!:cool:
hey man, your living up in MA... The snow should be pretty thick this winter, and I think it will start fallen in no time.


Active Member
u know what that speach just makes me want to go out and get a job tomarrow, greats words of incuregment. Except all the people around me r rich and have lawn services, no old people around me. Iam getting a real job at publix soon ( a grocery store)

nm reef

Active Member

Originally posted by sandman12
u know what that speach just makes me want to go out and get a job tomarrow, greats words of incuregment. Except all the people around me r rich and have lawn services, no old people around me. Iam getting a real job at publix soon ( a grocery store)

Didn't mean to offend...and I didn't intend a "speach"...just a fact of life here in my house. The wife and I could support most anything our son wants...but I personally feel its best to encourage him to develope his own means of "earning" what he wants...same method worked for my 22 yr old former college basketball player daughter(who is now a ordained minister) and for my 17 yr old graduating early from HS and entering college next semester daughter. Matter of fact dad taught me the same old crap when I was 14 and he drove me to fields where I'd load hay for .03 cents a bale. I'm just saying that if a person wants something bad enough...there are ways to make it happen...honest and legal and morally ethical ways of course...:cool:


Active Member
Couldn't have said it better myself. I was raised by my depression era grandparents. So let me tell you about the work I learned at an early age. My kids (6 and 10) think I'm nuts.
Their chores are age appropriate and some are paid. The partial funds matching works??? I was thinking about that awhile ago. My 10 year old wants a sw tank in her room. I said he she can pay for most of it. We would start the beginnings, but the rest would be up to her. Now she is begging for chores and anything else she can think of. Even asked the lady next door with a new baby and a 2 year old if she could be a mothers helper. Not too bad I guess.. :D
2 kids came by yesterday afternoon and asked if they could rake leaves. LOL, the winds were about 40 MPH here. Poor guys!!
Ill probally shovel snow. Ill probally get a little stuff for christmas. Ill just have to be patient. My tank seems to be going no where. Im trying to pay for paintball to. y did i pick such expensive hobbies???;)