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I'll give you some advice instead. (Teach a man to fish sort of thing.) You are only 23. When I was 23, I barely had 2 nickels to rub together. I'm far from being rich and nowhere near my goals, but I am very comfortable which is a relative term. Three rules to live by:
1. Get a college degree. Never underestimate the power of a good education. It doesn't guarantee you financial success, but it will improve your chances. Wealth isn't all about money either. It took me reaching 40 to realize that. If I had to do a career all over again, I would pick something I enjoy more. Information Technology has been good to me, but I'm getting sick of it more and more. I would much rather have been a college professor.
2. You never get rich making someone else money. Work for yourself after you put in some time working for others to gain the experience you need to succeed. Better to pay your dues and build a firm foundation than jump out on your own too early. I worked as an independent consultant for a few years making very good money, getting very good tax writeoffs and putting some cake away for number 3. I gave that up for a local job to be home at night with my family as I was traveling a lot. Some things are more important than money.
3. Learn to invest in the Stock Market. Every dollar you make in the market now becomes money to earn even more money. The market has been very good to me and I was able to take some of the money I earned working for myself and having that work for me in the market. I'm not a traditional stock trader. I don't invest liquid cash long term. I flip stocks for a quick 1% to 3% gain in a matter of hours or days. I buy and short stocks so I make money when the prices go up and make money when it goes down (Hopefully anyway). It takes money to make money so you need enough for 1% - 3% returns to be significant. 3% on $1000 is $30 which barely covers your commission. But, 3% on $50,000 is $1500.00. That's a lot of money to earn in a few hours to a few days. You can't do it all the time. It's like playing blackjack. You lose a few hands but if you win more than you lose you make money. This is not for everyone and has a very high risk.
Patients Grasshopper. It not the destination, it's the journey. A good friend that recently lost his wife told me that when you lose someone you love, you don't wish you would have worked more and made more money. You wish you would have spent more time with the ones you love while they were here.
Sorry for getting off topic on your thread. Let's get back to the topic.
ahahahha ( even tho i know it's mostly true ) i know what you mean.. but waithing and putting in my time is a bummer... heck!! i lost my chancge with you soo ill stick to my other !! ( come on lottery!! do it for me!! )
haha anyhoo let get back on track