this year is NOT going as planned...


Active Member
Jcrim, how would i hook up the overflow to the sump and the pump to the tank? Would i need one of these or pvc? Thats the only part i'm confused at is how to hook it up, once i get that i'm good to go. Sorry for all these n00bie questions, but they must be answered.
One more question, how does the water from the sump get into the overflow box? And how does the water from the main tank get into the overflow?


Originally Posted by Cartman101
Jcrim, how would i hook up the overflow to the sump and the pump to the tank? Would i need one of these or pvc? Thats the only part i'm confused at is how to hook it up, once i get that i'm good to go. Sorry for all these n00bie questions, but they must be answered
The overflow has the pipe attached to it. When you get this and the filter, you will have to get the fittings to fit this plumbing onto the filter.


Originally Posted by Cartman101
so in other words i gotta go and get the pvc pipes that fit right?
Wait until you get the equipment to make sure everything fits. You may have to get a couple things: the fitting to fit the flexible pipe to the filter, the tube to return water from the pump to the display and maybe a piece of pvc or piping or spray bar to shoot the water into the display.
BTW, get the tubing from a hardware store and NOT a LFS... much cheaper for the same thing.


Active Member
Cartman give me a few minutes to uplaod and I'll post some pictures. I don't know if they match what your getting but it should help you out a bit


Active Member
This is a hang on style overflow from the front. half of it is in the tank and the other half hangs over the lip and on to the back.

This is the same setup from the side.

This is the part of the overflow that is in the tank. It has slots notched in it. they should be adjusted so that they are below water level. This will fill up the inside box with water.

The U tube will then suck this water into the back box of the over flow.

For the u tube to suck water from the inside box to the outside box you have to remove the air from it . how you do this is up to you.


Active Member
The water in the back over flow box will feed down the tubing via gravity. No need for a pump to get it out of the box . You should invest in a ball valve to shut off the water coming from the overflow this is great for maintance. They work good for turning it off while not breaking the syphon between the inner/outer boxes.

Now I have no help as for how it will enter the sump as I'm not sure what kinda sump it is.
But here is a picture of the Pump/ skimmer section of my sump.

You'll want to use as big of a pump as the over flow will alow to get the best results. Maybe JCRIM can give you an idea of the rating the overflow has . Once you have that figured out you will want to use the soft tubing that you pictured above. IF your running a reffugium you will want to get the black tubing. this will keep it from growing algee and cloging up as easy. There will be two kinds of tubing at the hardware store. you want the softer stuf. like airline tube but bigger and thicker. the other harder stuff is for sprinklers and won't work . You'll need about 6 feet or so.depending on the sump placement. Hook this to the pump and zip tye it really tight around the outlet of the pump other wise you might end up with a water fountain. AT this point you can run it to a spraybar that will be made of pvc or a sprayer that will empty out right under the water of the main tank. I have both going .
If you have any more questions feel free to email me as then I can send you some links to other sites.


Active Member
first thing first!!! I forgot the to mention! How wide is the back of the overflow?? I hope it will fit since my tank is sort of close to the wall. And i would like to know the rate for the pump too. Everything looks confusing, but when i get the equipment all this info you guys gave are instruction booklet


Active Member
This is what mine looks like to give you an idea

this just runs down the back of the stand and in to the wet/dry.


Active Member
You shouldn't need more than 5-6 inches between the wall and tank . you should have plenty if you have any other hang on filtration.
IF you have any small fish or your eel is skinny enough to fit thru the slots on the inside overflow. Go to walmart and buy a bath scrubber thing. they look like this

Cut the rope out of it and it will unwind like a really long sock. and look like this

Cut a piece about 6 inches long and slip it from the bottom up on to the over flow like this.

the holes are big enough to allow water to pass but not eels. I had to rescue my sfe twice from the floor because he would go in the overflow box and then jump out . then since I put the net around it no more jumping eels.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101 there?
YEs, I'm here...I want back to work today so I may not be able to answer emails quickly. Send me your address.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
thanks mitzel, hey whats the long "vaccume looking" tube?
BTW you got mail

Sorry cartman but no mail from you try sending it again.
That is the tubing that came with my sump/overflows. you can purchase it from pool stores its for hot tubs and is strong and yet very flexable.


Active Member
And no matter how your returns come back into the tank from your sump its best to put a small hole in them right under the water line this helps break the siphon in case of a power loss.