Thomas, would you say the BTA is dead now?


He fell off of my top rock today and was just laying on the crushed coral. Tentacles completely shriveled up. Mouth is big and white


Active Member
Well, I would ask you the big question which you may hate me for - what does it smell like?


Kind of hard to tell, sorry but that camera does not seem to do justice.
From the looks of it, its just all bunched up not melted yet, how's the condi doing? What did you do with the BTA?


Yeah if it smells anything like her locker in the shark tank then you may have to give it a decent burial.
Also see if it is holding itself together, by that I mean if it falls apart in your hands well then its gone, but if it doesn't then it could still make it.
How did the water look after the water change?


Althow its a lil embaressing could define BTA for me because I probibly wont ask a seconed time and id really like to know.:confused:


Well I'd say its stressed to no end now, rather on its last breath so to speak.
If you were to still have it in the tank without it dieing overnight then I would try it, with the water change you did perhaps it might respond. IF you get those lights then perhaps it can remain on life support till it can recover.
Part that worries me is that the mouth is gaping now.
Also never place it on a dry towel, wet it first.


I also merged the two posts together, gets way to confusing with two posts from the same poster on the same subject.


I think he is a gonner...He has been in the sandwich bag for about 4 hours now. I can put him back in over night...
I guess it cant hurt. However I did just do a 11 galon water change. So, if he dies will I have to do another one?


4 hours.!
Well its your desision. Right now its stressed to the max and has been derprived of natural enviroment for the last 4 hours.
Change the water in the bag first with tank water and dump the old out. If you place it in the tank don't even try feeding for several days if it makes it.
Or at this point just play it safe and give it a decent ending.
One other though occurs to me. Is there ANY chance that your Condi and the BTA bumped into each other?
Getting quite a lessson huh?


I dont believe they touched each other. All of my water parameters seem ok to me. Nitrate, Nitrite, and Ammonia are all zero. And my PH is around 8.0. My water temp is 80-82 degrees and my SG was around 1.026. After my water change I lower it a little bit. I read that anemones need a SG between 1.023 and 1.025.
I took the BTA out of the bag and sat him as high as he can get to the lights
Will the Condi try to sting or kill the BTA? They are close to each other now...
Is it something as simple as the lighting that killed him this fast? I had him for about two weeks....
Current pic