Thomas712? with aiptasia


New Member
How much joes juice can I use safely to get rid of the aiptasia?
My 215 has been up and running for 5 months now with very few issues. I started out with 5 peppermint shrimp that controlled the aiptasia population very nicely. I bought a mated pair of GSM's and also an LTA they were hosting at the LFS.
All was great until the peppermint started to my chow down on the LTA. The peppermint went back to the LFS.
I have been keeping an eye on the aiptasia and there has been a few here and there but nothing woth writing home about. I bought some Joes Juice about 2 week a week a go.
I started to look a little closer and now and finding these guys are starting to take over my tank. I just added a new BTA yesterday and then the light went on....this may be a big issue.
I am armed for battle.......I am planning on attacking tonight when I get home but do not want to hurt things in the tank. Any words of advice before commencing war? :help:
I did read through the threads but nothing specific enough to get a good feeling.


Staff member
The secret ingredient for Joe's Juice, I think is just calcium. If that is the case, then you can't go wild dumping calcium in your tank. Use a syringe and try and shoot these guys up right in the mouth. They tend to like JJ. You can do a few a day, then test calcium the next day, and keep at it til you have them back under control.


New Member
Thanks Beth for the help.
I started treating these guys last night and they were not liking it
but I was.
I managed to destroy about 5 fairly large ones. This is my first time using it so I got a little extra JJ in the tank by mistank.
My CA is at 500 and has been there for about 2 months. I did 2 water changes hoping this might bring it down a little but no dice :thinking: . Is there a way to bring down CA safely without messing up other parameters? My alk is low 1.78. I do have a bottle of Kent alk buffer and it does say to add CA to keep it balanced.
Can I just add alk to drop CA since they work together?
I looked at my BTA about an hour later and it was closed up looking pretty bad, but it was partially open this morning and looking a little better. Is this normal? I did not treat near my BTA.... :help:


Active Member
Be very careful with the CA additives near corals and anemones I burned my first anemone to death and now I never add a thing besides iodine on occasions.


Active Member
Thanks for the suggestion. I did the same.... He looks ok this am....but I am not out of the woods yet....


Active Member
Hey Madman,
The JJ did an excellt job but, it upset my bta.... I ended up buying some hungry looking poeppermint shrimp
see if that works?

I have corals in the tank and I think a copperband will take them out as well.
Thanks for the suggestion.