Is ther any way to rid my tank of curly Q anemones? I got a group of 3 from (they came free with my last order). They have doubled in size already, and they stretch themselves out, taking up way more space than they deserve in my 37 gallon cube tank. Not only that....but they are not at all pretty, and they do not host my lonely clown. How do I make them disappear? I actually tried to remove one of them about 2 weeks ago, and ended up ripping it to shreds while trying to remove it from it's rock. Well...once it ripped, I figured it was a gonner anyway, much for being careful. I just picked it apart piece by piece until there was nothing left of it on the rock it was on. Or so I thought. Well, it's two weeks later , and now I have a cute little curly Q about the size of a nickel already. Apparently, these things are nearly indestructible! How do I get rid of them?!