Those of you who have used Saltwater Coppersafe...


New Member
Have you had success with the use of this product?
I started this product in my 20 gal QT this past Saturday on my coral beauty (cb) and flame hawk. The cb was covered ich on Saturday, but by Sunday night, the spots had just about disappeared. I realized the ich was not gone from the tank, but simply dropped off the fish and was preparing to come back onto the fish even worse the second time around.
Well, I figured since the ich had dropped off the fish, the fish would not have any future spots on it since I had coppersafe properly administered in the QT tank.
I check the cb this morning and the cb is covered again with ich. What is the deal?!
This is by far the toughest parasite I have ever dealt with. I am using Maracyn Two as well, just as recommended by Maracyn when treating ich to prevent bacterial infections.
By the way, I think the cb has an internal bacteria infection now as well. Bloated body, but eating every other day. Very strange. I have been feeding live brine shrimp because that's all they seem interested in right now. Flame hawk has a few spots, but nothing compared to the cb and the flame hawk is eating very well.
I am measuring the level of copper and it was measuring about .20. The product says keep level between .15 and .20 for product to be effective.
I am following directions on a product that has been proven to provide good results for others(through reading on this board), but why can't I get those same results? This is extremely discouraging. I am very close to just calling it quits with fish in this hobby and just do a reef only tank. At least coral doesn't catch ich!
Water tests as of last night: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10 nitrate, PH 8.2.
QT Tank: 20 gal set up for three mos. with water from established tank.


When I used copper power in my QT tank, I was doing a water change everyother day with water from my main tank. Everyone pulled threw and I had no more out breaks. Good luck to you, don't give up.


What is the ammonia levels of your QT tank? With all the meds you more than likely have wiped out all of you bio-filter. Do major water chnges everyday to keep the levels down


New Member
My ammonia is 0. I checked it last night. I will do a change with my main tank water. That might help assuming the coral beauty is still alive when I get home tonight.
Salinity is 1.016 as I keep it low to control parasites. Although, I doubt that kills many of them at 1.016.
The white spots just keep coming.
What about levels of coppersafe? Maybe I should run .25 instead of .20.
What do you think? How high can the fish tolerate?


New Member
Does coppersafe have short shelf life?
Maybe mine is not effective because the shelf lifei shorter than what's actually on the bottle.


Any medicine is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator. I've used them before in my tank and works pretty good. The problem is that the ick on your fish are gone, but they are still in the tank. I would try using garlic to feed your fish. I've heard that helps the fish's immune system. Also, when you do your water change, make sure you siphon the bottom. That's where the ick is at when it falls off the fish.
What size is your tank? What other livestocks do you have? Ick usually comes from stress. Another thing you can do is get a cleaner shrimp. They'll eat the parasites off your fish. Good luck.


New Member
I siphoned about 10 gals of water out last night while going through the gravel twice. I hope I siphoned most of the ich out of tank and that the coppersafe will do the rest.
This morning the coral beauty only had about ten white dots which is considerably less than yesterday morning. Also, the cb is out swimming around and took some live brine this morning. The bloat is still there and doesn't appear as if it has gone down at all.
The Maracyn-two should solve the bloat, but doesn't seem to be working. Today is day four of the five day treatment. Maybe tonight the cb bloat will have gone down.
I am very concerned about the bloat. Any thoughts on why this fish is bloated?