Those with a 125 gallon... rock question


How many pounds of rock do you have in there. Do you have full tank pictures so I can get an idea of what a certain amount of pounds looks like in this tank. I want mine to be on the full side so I am not sure what to start with. I was thinking of 120/lb HI rocks with 45 of uncured figi but not sure that will be enough to look "not empty". I so appreciate all your help. I don't know anyone here in AL that does saltwater so I come here for help. I think hubby and I have decided on the 125 from the get-go rather than use my 55 freshwater and then change later. I did saltwater back in 1996-1998 but lots have changed since then!!


I have about 300lbs in my 125 display. I also like to have the back covered. I think a 180 would be a little better with this set up to give more swimming room in front of rock.


Active Member
I have about 150lbs in my 125. Don't let weight be your only guide as some rock is heavier than others. Here's a pic of mine and I don't think it's overly full.
Where are you in Alabama? There are some good resouorces in the state.


Active Member
There is an awesome store in Hoover. Practically behind the Galleria Mall. It's called Aquarium Designs. Lot's of great animals (fish and coral) and very sound advice.
Good Luck with your tank.