jonthefb Active Member Nov 7, 2002 #2 very nice pic. he looks healthy and happy as ever! good luck jon
tang_man_montreal Member Nov 7, 2002 #3 Thanks.. Yeah, he's a great little fish. Doesn't even move when I've got my hand in the tank. Even lets me "pet" him...
Thanks.. Yeah, he's a great little fish. Doesn't even move when I've got my hand in the tank. Even lets me "pet" him...
jrb384 Member Nov 7, 2002 #4 awesome! thats also my favorite fish. my g/f swears she saw him take a bite out of my chromis but i've never seen him act aggressive at all. even if he did, still my favorite!
awesome! thats also my favorite fish. my g/f swears she saw him take a bite out of my chromis but i've never seen him act aggressive at all. even if he did, still my favorite!
tang_man_montreal Member Nov 8, 2002 #5 Mine has NEVER been agressive. And he lives with 2 tangs, and a cleaner shrimp of all things. Snails and Hermits are also safe as well.
Mine has NEVER been agressive. And he lives with 2 tangs, and a cleaner shrimp of all things. Snails and Hermits are also safe as well.
randolph Member Nov 8, 2002 #6 one of my very favorite fizh, had one for about 6 hours and he jumped out of the tank. very sad day