Thoughtfull message given to me


Active Member
This is a reason I stay in this hobby. Besides the beauty of fish and work that goes into them and just all around aquarium stuff.Posting on these boards and joining reef clubs is a way that I give back to fellow hobbyists. Someone from my Reef Club said this to me, this is the first time but it just makes me feel real good to hear.
TriGa22 -
This is my 1st post, and the 1st time i've ever been to this forum... please know as I read this post I have tremendous respect for "the maturity level" your already demonstrating just by being involved in such an adult hobby interest group at 14 yrs old! (my 14yr old son is only interested in "myspace")
I am looking for "advice" as I just bought a 400 gallon aquarium, and I'm clueless on what to do next... and here I am posting to a young person 20+ years younger than myself who probably knows 100 times more about reef aquariums than I.
You should take all comments info on the web "with a grain of salt" in the 1st place, and remember it's much easier to judge someones comments when you can also SEE their body lanuguage too. (basically text is not verypersonal)
TriGa22 - your definetly an insperation to me. you should defiently go to the meeting (you can never learn "too much") I am personally honored to meet a 14yr old "reefkeeper", I sure these other poster would agree.


Active Member
I'll be honest I didn't know your age and would never have suspected anything less than mid 20s at least. I agree also.


Active Member
Wow, thanks alot. I really enjoy this hobby and this message made my day. Im just glad to help out. I feel like its my job and treat it that way. This community is great and I felt this way when I came here. I love this place.


Active Member
Man I'm 14 too, and it's been almost a year for me here too, and I don't even have 1/3 of all the posts you got on here. Also how would you find a local reefers club? I think once I get back I'll see if I can find one here in OK.


Active Member
Someone here showed me it. Id look on a search engine. Posts dont matter, people come here with years of experience. Reefkprz came after me and I look up to him becuase he knows so much and is a great person. Post just means your a bum lol, j/k I love it here.


Originally Posted by earlybird
I'll be honest I didn't know your age and would never have suspected anything less than mid 20s at least. I agree also.

I agree whole-heartedly......... The grammar, sentence structure, and spelling is better than most people I have seen on ANY message board. Your parents should be proud....keep it up!!!


Active Member
thats cool triga22, just turned 15 and the more i look around on here i find people my age...
nice to walk into a fish store and know more than the employees... fun hobby, very rewarding


Active Member
I'm going to talk to my dad about going a local reefers club. I don't think I'd be too intrested on more lectures, but 10% discounts at stores, and cheaper prices don't sound to bad. :))


Active Member
lol. You also get to meet fellow fish friends. Cheap frags, and mabye even free. I think its a good way to spend some time with people. Thanks everyone for the kind words. I try to be the best I can on these boards and treat everyone fairly. I dont use u for you just because its not proper for a forum, AIM sure.


Active Member
yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah hank aaron fan and never seen him play and bash barry all the time jk trigga you are getting the recognition you deserve but can i hear 1 go barry?...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
for the last what 14 years or so when were they not doing good...tobin
head up my butt moment i was meaning to say when they were doin good...oops...tobin