Thoughtfull message given to me


Active Member
Well I was kind of considering this (I was debating between this and an architect, but I will probably decide to be an architect becuase I will have enough money to buy all my dream tanks LOL), but how about getting your PHD and whatever else is needed and get a job at a run down aquarium (OKC Zoo is pretty bad and that is what made me think of this) and jump in with all that qualifications and work your way up to director of the aquarium so that you can oversee and design all these big tanks and help the public aquarium's popularity.


Active Member
At first not great, but once you get at the top maybe 60k per year, but you'd get a chance to maybe go to a bigger aquarium (atlanta, monterey) after your tired of the small one and you could maybe get a decent position and probably get more since cost of living is more expensive over there. I haven't had time to research it, I'm sure your not going to get rich off of it, but not a lot of jobs in this hobby pay that well. Maybe if you did a side job of setting up aquairums for people would bring in extra cash.


Active Member
I know exactly what I want to do in the biology field but I am not going to say it because I don't want any competition


yeah i have some questions bout that how do i get it to where its not blurry but it will fit the 550 550 limit?