Thoughts about a tank of the month?


Active Member
I think this would be a cool idea where every month the administrators of this board pick a tank of the month. What does everyone think...


Sounds good to me, but i think everyone should vote, just give a deadline for people to post their pics, then let everyone vote and give them a deadline to. Then tally the votes. But over all, Great idea!!!!!!!:happyfish :) :happyfish

nm reef

Active Member
It is a idea that has been mentioned several times...but in the nearly 4 years I've been here there has never been a TOTM...I like the concept but I don't know how the concept could be effectively developed on this site.:thinking:


Active Member
simple . . . .
tanks must be nominated by members, a certain number of nominations is needed to be included in the vote, or take the 4 tanks with the highest number of nominations.
Then host a poll on the 4 tanks, whichever gets the highest votes wins the contest.

nm reef

Active Member
You also have issues about pic of the nominated systems...validity of the nominated tanks...validity of the pics provided. basically there would be a lot of issues to over come in order to provide a TOTM feature. I do like the concept and in response to your request I will propose the concept to admin and the other moderators. No promises...but we will kick the idea around. Who knows...we may be able to establish the groundwork for a TOTM concept.


There is another forum that does this and seems to get alot of attention every month from the tank that is selected. Im not sure If im allowd to name another forum so I wont but it is a great idea and I have seen it draw alot of attention.


Active Member

Originally posted by MmCheeto
There is another forum that does this and seems to get alot of attention every month from the tank that is selected. Im not sure If im allowd to name another forum so I wont but it is a great idea and I have seen it draw alot of attention.

Could this be that southern texas forums? Begins with a M?


Active Member
I have been up here since 2002 and I have never seen one, but It is a great idea and would give people just more of a reason to come up here more often while giving people something to judge their own tank up against. Also, it will be beneficial for becuase it would get more looks by more hobbyist therefore in return get more sales. So lets here it from everyone... About the validity issue, that is also the case in any kind of contest, but is something that can be worked around. It would not take much of an effort from the moderators. I like the idea of members voting for the winning tank. Lets see what everyone thinks....


Sounds like a good idea to me. Last time I checked, our society thrives on competition, which encourages ourselves to be better, ..................