thoughts/experiences with coral banded shrimps?


Okay...what good/bad stuff do you guys have to say about these guys?
I've had one for a few months now in my big tank, and needless to say it's really GROWN.
I know in the past I've had some go after fish, but in smaller tanks so I thought it was just confined space issue.
Tonight my cbs had my yellow headed goby by the throat (literally) for a second or two until the goby got away. I've noticed some frayed fins on the goby as well.
Should I get rid of the cbs? Will it probably keep going after my fish? I like my shrimp, it's beautiful, but can't afford for it to make a snack of fish fins and scales.


CBS are aggressive and opportunistic - if it can make a meal of a fish it will - they can also go after other inverts. They are not all that way - they can be hit or miss - sounds like you got a "miss" - GL


mine killed two green chromis and a bicolor blennie. I can't catch him in my 240. I've tried to squish him many times but he is fast, oh yeah he killed one of my cleaner shrimps too. I just want to harpoon his @#$@!


I had one grab a perfectly healthy juvenile coral cat, in mid swim, and eat his face. I walked into the room and saw the cat in his claw, he was eating the cat's face. I broke it up but the cat did not make it. The cat had been quite healthy minutes before.


hmmm...I think I'll try to catch him later and take him to my lfs. I'm all of the sudden missing a cardinal that was swimming around fine and eating yesterday morning and is now just gone as of last night.
I also have an urchin who is set on rearranging my entire tank...he might take a trip also.


If you got a pair of CBS they dont go after anything. Ive had a pair in my 55g for months now and they dont bother any of my fish. Is yours wild caught? I caught my own.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gatorzone19
If you got a pair of CBS they dont go after anything. Ive had a pair in my 55g for months now and they dont bother any of my fish. Is yours wild caught? I caught my own.
A few months isn't really a good baseline for numerous reasons. I've had one in my 55 for about 5 months now and it only recently started getting rather aggressive.


Originally Posted by Gatorzone19
If you got a pair of CBS they dont go after anything. Ive had a pair in my 55g for months now and they dont bother any of my fish. Is yours wild caught? I caught my own.
I'm not sure if it was wild caught or not...I got him from a lfs I don't normally shop at, he just caught my eye as he has beautiful feelers.
I've had cbs's before, and I've had 2 in the past that were great, and now this one and the last one have gone after fish (I just returned the last one to the store a few months ago as it was going after my clown). Never tried a pair but I don't think I want to experiment with my fish.
I think I'll stick to peppermints or shrimp without such big claws.


Originally Posted by nYgel
mine molted and lost one claw, it lost a lot of aggressiveness from this :)
On his next molt the claw will be back.


Active Member
I've never had any problem with mine, but right now he lives in the sump. he went after a fish once, but the fish put him in his place. He used to live with a cleaner shrimp with no problem. But the cleaner shrimp died one day. But it wasn't his fault.


i've have two in my 110g for two years now and haven't had a problem yet, but it is pretty hit and miss with cbs. i've had some that wont eat anything and then some that will take on sleeping trigger fish looking for a easy meal.