Thoughts on a Deltec MCE 600


The title says it all.
what are ppls thoughts on the Deltec MCE 600
im looking into buying one, ive heard its one of the best HOB skimmers around. For 600$ id hope it would be good?
anyone have any pros and cons for this skimmer?


Active Member
its probably the absolute best. the only con is the price. everything else is a pro with the skimmer


hey I looked at that model and couldnt decide. I really had my heart set on the new octopus LX2000S. it is rated up to 150 gallons and looks fantastic, however, the red color was terrible. That was until today when coralvue released this unit in black. This unit was 389USD and I am shipping to a US address to save on shipping.
I am very excited to get this unit, as I have been researching skimmers for the past 2 weeks.
I cant wait to get my 150 up and running, I just need to find marine paint to paint the background.
Good luck
oh yeah and from several of the reviews that i read, the deltec 600 is very loud


Active Member
You won't be disappointed. Deltec is one of the very top-elite skimmer names out there. You pay an awful lot for them. Whether they are worth the money is a function of how much money you have to spend, but IMO if you can afford them, they are worth it.
I have an AP851 that is hands down the best skimmer I've ever used. I've never used the HOB models, but the quality and performance runs throughout all models so you shouldn't be disappointed.


Thanks for the imput.
over the next few months im planing on "downgrading my 36 gallon to a 34 gallon solana. Changing my K3 and K1 to a Vortech MP10 and hopfully buying the skimmer.
Does anyone suggest when i buy the MP10 to keep a koralia also in the tank or will it screw up the wave maker since im probably going to set it to short pulse