Thoughts on adding a fish


New Member
I was thinking of adding a new fish in a couple of weeks, I have a BC29 with 30lbs. of LR, a perc., a six-line wrasse, a few corals, and a typical CUC. The water always tests good, even before I do a water change. I was wondering if I could add something like a Royal Gramma to it. Would adding this overload the BC? What is your take on this?


I think you could add one more small fish to the tank.... You only have the two, right? I don't know much about the royal gramma, so maybe someone else can add some feedback for you.
Also, what sort of filtration do you have?
Originally Posted by Dekon70
I was thinking of adding a new fish in a couple of weeks, I have a BC29 with 30lbs. of LR, a perc., a six-line wrasse, a few corals, and a typical CUC. The water always tests good, even before I do a water change. I was wondering if I could add something like a Royal Gramma to it. Would adding this overload the BC? What is your take on this?
you should be fine adding another fish or two as long as you keep a routine maintenance schedule. I have a BC29 also and have 8 fish and alot of corals in mine, I wouldnt suggest having quite that many fish in yours but more than two is perfectly fine. I test my water every other day and change 5 gallons of water weekly. I have no water quality issues and everything is looking good.