thoughts on adding more 2 more pc to an eclipse hood


New Member
ok i have an elcipse hood that was converted to a 65 watt pc, i have fish and live rock i have been wanting to add coral and such so ibought a used 55 x2 pc setup to add to the tank this will give me 4.6 watts per gallon , so now im looking and i dont see how im going to add them into the existing ecipse hood the 1- 65 is a 50/50 that is in the flip up part on the hood now the other 2 will have to some how be incorporated into that part as well i guess , any ideas or imfo would be greatly appreciated , ps shoud i use 50/50 in all the outlets or shoud i put a pure blue in the 65 to leave on at night , and put 50/50 in the 2x 55 watt setup it is on a single switch
, advice there too , ok thanks fish gods


New Member
i have a coral beauty angel , and a algie blennie and 3 damsells 8 pyramid snails,6 red foot crabs, pulsing zenia , flowerpot coral , and some mushrooms , and a condi an orange gregonia , i know i needed more lighting , but with the filter in the eclipse hood how do i get it in there , water parameters are all good , oh yeah i do have a fluval 303 as well , and 2 power heads and about 60 lbs of live rock and live sand