Thoughts on coral beauty


Do you think it would be a wise idea to put a coral beauty in my 30g. Ive seen multiple websites that say that its the minimum.


Active Member
how long is the 30?? mine used to always LOVE swimming the legnth of my 55 so id say a 4 foot tank would be good


Active Member
I had one in a 38 tall for many years. He'd nod his head and do silly dances when I looked in, very friendly, happy and healthy. OK, you wont believe this but he was jealous of the TV. When I'd watch TV and not him, sometimes he would go into shock colors, curl up a little and float to the bottom of the tank and lay there untill I'd come look at him. Not many tank mates though. Just LR from every ocean and my "unsuitably delicate for the public species" rescue mission of the month. Oh, and a Fire Goby and a Royal Gramma.


Active Member
I have a coral beauty in my 25 gal. It is busy all day long picking at the live rock, swimming about etc. Do you have live rock in your tank? They love the rock. I think you would be fine, what other fish do you have in there?