Thoughts on fish for my 75g


New Member
here is a list of the fish I have picked out that I could possibly consider adding to my tank. I havent bought any of these fish, and dont plan on doing it for a while, but I wanted some feedback. Are any of these compatiable together? I REALLY REALLY would like to have the Lionfish and Snowflake eel. I dont want a reef tank, and I dont really want a bunch of tiny fish. I would just like some opinions on these. Its a 75g tank. Im not saying Im going to add ALL of these fish to my tank. Just some fish that are compatiable with the lionfish. (I looked based on that)
*Lemonpeel Angelfish (Fiji) - Small
*SW - Flame Angelfish (Christmas/Marshalls)- Small
*Auriga Butterfly Fish (Indonesia) - Small
*- Phantom Bannerfish (Maldives) - Small
*Snowflake Eel (Indo Pacific) - Small
*Matted Filefish - Small
*Leaf Fish, Yellow (Hawaii) - Small
*Mombasa Lionfish (Maldives) - Medium


Yeah not with the choices. It sounds like you want an agressive tnk mostly, and some of the fish listed are peaceful, and they will not go well with the lion . The leaf fish will be fine with the snowflake eel, but don't have a fish smaller than the leaf fish becuase they will try to eat it. You do not want to keep the eel with the filefish.


Go with a different eel, I was never a fan of my snowflake he was way to aggressive and never stopped trying to get out of the tank. I have had a brazilian dragon and a zebra and both were a lot more entertaining to tank inhabitants and me. I had a brazilian in with a antennata lion and a red tail trigger and loved that tank. Some may argue that a 75g is a bit small for that eel but mine seemed to love it and as long as you have enough structure they are fine. Make sure you cement your rocks if your getting any eels. They like to move stuff around and I lost a sailfin tang to a rock slide once. Sad and avoidable. Jealous, all I have right now is a 29g and just starting a 10. I wish I still had my 75, thats a great sized tank


a 75 is okay for the first few years of an eels like,, as with a trigger,, with that said..
a snowflake eel is one of the more "docile" eels and can be kept with a variety of fish...
the maroon clown someone mentioned
dwarf angelfishs will be fine for a while,
especially if you want any kind of lion then NO TRIGGERS...
also you dont really want to put anything in the tank that can fit in his mouth
with a lion and an eel you could have maybe one more fish,,, that is a HUGE bioload..
Im hoping you are going to have really good filtration, maybe a sump with a skimmer, that would be the best option (in my opinion) for this kind of Aggressive FOWLR


I think that some aquarium taboos are situational. My trigger lived with my lion for over two years until i sold the tank. Never picked at him. Same with the eel, my snowflake just happened to be real mean and dominate the tank. I was simply stating what I had going on for a while not saying it was right or wrong.
I understand the idea of being responsible aquarists but in reality fish in tanks really grow at extremely slow rates. As long as you are responsible for finding them homes if/when they get too large it isnt too much of an issue. When I sold my tank, the guy who bought it had a 180g that he moved him to. Im not challenging the conservative nature of this forum as I do agree with it, just adding some input and in my opinion that sized tank is good to house types of fish for quite a few years (assuming you dont buy them as 12" fish). If you overstock a tank, its not even going to look appealing anyways. People are going to come by and say to themselves "poor fish." I've done it ha
The key like smallreef said though, is filtration. I had a 40g sump and a large skimmer. Also over 125lbs of biological filtration. If not you will literally see the "waste" build up in any tank with an eel and other large sloppy eaters like that.


New Member
Can you all suggest a great filter? Its reef ready so it's already drilled. I just want the best possible so I can start building my tank


If its already drilled I'd put a sump with a refugium in the stand for filtration, you can have the inlet from the tank going into a filter sock or just onto some filter media, then have another chamber with some live rock rubble and a ball of chaeto in to , then the last chamber with a skimmer and the return pump to the display tank...


Its very simple, there is actually two setups you can use. The first chamber of your sump will be big enough to house a skimmer. Your DT will drain into this, you can put a filter sock at the end of this line to catch large particals of debris. The skimmer will sit in this section as well. You will need some sort of baffle system into your next chamber which would be your refugium, you fill this with sand, live rock, and plants to biologically filter your tank. You then have some more baffles that flow into your return section that will house your return pump which will pump water back to your tank.
Do not put your skimmer in the return section of your sump, skimmers require a constant water level to perform correctly, and the return section of your sumps water level changes due to evaporation!
Another option is to have your line coming from your DT split, your sump would be set up like this:
Skimmer section--->return chamber