Thoughts on JBJ Lighting Systems


I am looking to get a Formosa Double Strip 55W x 4 to go along with the 40W x 4 NO lights I currently have. Since I do not have the thousands to spend, I would like to make the tank adequate enough in at least one area to put some decent tough corals.
If anyone has had any experience with these lights please let me know what you think of them. It is for a 180 g.
Can they sit right on the tank? Mine is built into the wall and there is no room to elevate it. I could use a little stand ro something?
I have the JBJ 4x65w over my 75. It's been running for 3 months or so with no problems so far!
Mine sits right on the tank rails. You can buy optional legs that allow the whole fixture to be tilted back for easy access to your tank. HTH


I had JBJ PC'x on my 125 gallon for over a year and was very happy with them. I kept some SPS, but placed them very high on the rocks. The soft corals, mushrooms, etc did very well with them Also had brains and polyps under them.
However, what I had was 2 36" fixtures. Each one had two 96W bulbs in it, one actinic, one 50/50. I think you should look for higher wattages then what you're talking about for a 180 gallon.
What you're talking about only adds up to 220 watts, I don't include the NO's, so you don't have nearly enough light. I had almost 400 watts on my 125 gallon, and I think that was minimal.
I also had mine on stands.