Thoughts on moving tank 2 inches


I need to move my tank about 2 inches from the wall, I cannot fit a new overflow.
I was going to empty the 55 gallon to half capacity and have my friend help me slide it very slowly forward.
Am I going to be in trouble?


Active Member
If you can get it to slide then by all means keep all the water in.
2 concerns
1) the tank is top heavy so have a spotter in front of the tank while you slide to make sure it doesn't topple over.
2)whatever you have in the tank WILL fall over no matter how well stacked so you need to make sure nothing will crash into the glass and break/scratch things.


I did the same thing. I had a spotter in the front and I used a 2x4 as a lever to pry the tank forward slowly. Just try to move the tank as low as you can to prevent tip over. and do not do it without a spotter.


What does your tank sit on now? If its a hardwood floor I would say try and get some type of movers pads or something and see if you can get them under the front edge.
If its on carpet, maybe try to get some heavy cardboard or even a thin sheet of panel under the front lip to help it slide. It will also help prevent it from tipping over.
That and good luck!


Well-Known Member
I would be very careful. at ~8.5 pounds per gallon you are trying to horse aound over 400 pounds. I highly recommend you get as much water out of the tank as possible before you attempt any sliding. And do not have anyone in front of the tank when moving. Last thing you want is the tank falling on someone.
Is there any other alternatives. Like putting the overflow on the side and hiding it somehow?


I'm pretty sure that during my next water change I will take out about 25 gallons (replacing 10 gallons). That should make it much easier... I'll keep the 15 gallons so as to not shock the water too much.
It will be tough putting the overflow anywhere other than the back.
At this point, I am considering not even doing the sump and just leaving things be: canister filter, hob skimmer, uv sterlizer, heater.
That said, I'll probably try to move it and see what happens this weekend.
Anyone regret having a sump?


Active Member
myself, i would play it safe and drain most of the water out. you might get upset if you bust your tank its not worth the risk IMO

david s

I moved my 90 but I did it the right way. go buy a big tupperware container(10 bucs) put your rock in it (leve the bottom rocks in the tank). then siphon most of your water in it. move the tank. then put a big bowl in the tank pump the water back in.hiting the bowl so you do not disturb your sand. last put your rock back. this will take a hour or so longer but it is much safer. Jmo


I believe I will do that, might also change from CC to sand... why not eh?
Any thoughts on how to keep the critters from the CC and get them into the sand?


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by jackal4eva
I believe I will do that, might also change from CC to sand... why not eh?
Any thoughts on how to keep the critters from the CC and get them into the sand?

from before. I really like my refugium. one word of warning is that I did experience three floods before I (hopefully) got it right. there are dangers.
I changed from Crushed coral to sand a long time ago. I added the CC on top of the sand. I recommend you do that to preserve the bacteria and seed the new sand. you could place the CC is some porous netting to allow the critters to escape. And allow removal of the CC later. Of just syphon off the CC later during a waterchange.


Active Member

Originally posted by beaslbob
you could place the CC is some porous netting to allow the critters to escape. And allow removal of the CC later

Or use an old pair of panty hose .... then the critters will crawl out and you can remove hte CC after a couple of weeks


Just a note of caution, if it is a glass tank. When I set my 125 up, I forgot to level the front corners, & had it about 3/4 full, when I thought about it. I didn't have any place to put the water, & I had already started to mix salt. I didn't want to lose the salt & water, so I figured I could just lift 1 coner at a time, & shove a shim under it. Well when I picked it up, it created a wave that hit the front of the glass, causing the bottom seal to start leaking:mad: This was the 1st of many disastors to come in the begging days:mad: :eek: I would empty it, just to be safe.;)

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by overanalyzer
Or use an old pair of panty hose .... then the critters will crawl out and you can remove hte CC after a couple of weeks

Go to home depot and buy some of that plastic screen and lay it over your sand (not even ten bucks), then on top of that put the CC. Wait a few months to be safe and then pull up all the sides at once with a buddy to help you and toss it out.

murray bmf

I da to move a 55 gallon tank a while back, I drained all but a few inches of water into a rubber maid garbage can. just enough for the fish to have water covering them, the bigger fish we moved into the garbage can. Then I moved all my rocks out, I put the rock that had things (coral, anenomes etc) attached to it in the garbage can, the rest went on the floor. Then I moved it. With just the remaining sand and a few inches of water it was still hard to move. I'm sure there are many different ( and better) ways to move a tank, but I wouldn't cut any corners doing it. HTH:)


i had to move my 60 reef because i was getting hardwood floors. i draind the whole thing, it made it a lot easier. If you can take out all the water do that. It will be much easer