thoughts on other life..


Active Member
does any1 else think there is life elsewhere other than earth? i mean it would just be odd for only 1 planet in the ENTIRE galaxy have life, ur all sitting there "ok this kids crazy"


Active Member
In my astronomy class I learned that there are at least a million other earth like planets in the universe...anyone who doesn’t think life exist outside of our little bubble is very naive.


Staff member
I think there is, but that that they are just as likely to be able to contact us, as we are to contact them.
Any of our neighbors are basically around the same in star age as us, thus as advanced as us....meaning they, like us, do not have the capacity to do much in space. On the bight side, that is good. No War of the World's scenarios for us!
Anyone much older than us, and therefore more advanced, would have to be much closer to the center of the galaxy. And this is so far away, that it just would be near impossible for them to reach us, even if they had "warp drive".
Outside of our galaxy, the distance in terms of "travel" is just too astronomical to contemplate.
That's my theory anyway.


Active Member
Why stop at the Galaxy ? Theres a whole Universe. Sure, I think there could be, but IDK....I know they have discovered many Large size planets at a few stars but a show on tv just last night was saying there still looking for Earth like ones. In size and orbit and distance from the star, ect. that could possibley substain life. I dont think the science/technology has evolved for them to study them that well yet....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
does any1 else think there is life elsewhere other than earth? i mean it would just be odd for only 1 planet in the ENTIRE galaxy have life, ur all sitting there "ok this kids crazy"
your not crazy lol there is so much we don't know...where does the universe end?!?! there a wall? lol that's my question


Active Member
Oh, please dont get in to phisics, strings and dounuts and paralell universes at the end of this universe......way over my head kind of stuff....


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
your not crazy lol there is so much we don't know...where does the universe end?!?! there a wall? lol that's my question
There is nothing at the end of the Universe. It's hard to comprehend, but it's just "nothing". There's also some theories that the universe is shaped like a "doughnut", and by traveling to the outside, you would actually be traveling in a curved path back to your original location. It would be impossible to know, since it's expanding far quicker than you could imagine traveling (at least we think).
And no, I don't believe there's other life in the universe. Just because there's another "Earth-like" planet means nothing. There are so many things that would possibly have to happen perfectly for life to be sustained, and even though there are literally billions upon billions of celestial bodies in the universe, the odds of another having life are basically zero.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
There is nothing at the end of the Universe. It's hard to comprehend, but it's just "nothing". There's also some theories that the universe is shaped like a "doughnut", and by traveling to the outside, you would actually be traveling in a curved path back to your original location. It would be impossible to know, since it's expanding far quicker than you could imagine traveling (at least we think).
And no, I don't believe there's other life in the universe. Just because there's another "Earth-like" planet means nothing. There are so many things that would possibly have to happen perfectly for life to be sustained, and even though there are literally billions upon billions of celestial bodies in the universe, the odds of another having life are basically
Well what about single cell organisms? Where there is water, there is a good chances of life... the universe is so vast that its hard to think that we are the only planet that can sustain any life...I’m not just saying humans


Active Member
No we are the only ones, there are no others. When we die thats it. Flying saucers run on unleaded :hilarious No Aliens, no Ghosts, no more Monster Garage @#%*!
Has anyone ever listened to Bob Lazar? Pretty compelling testimony.
Based on facts so far, it would seem that we are alone. But to assume this is true for what we dont know would be very nieve because the fact is we simply do not know what is out there beyond our means to measure it.


Active Member
What if there is life on the other side of the universe and they are asking the same question ?? and there people/species/whatamacallem are saying no, theres no other life in the universe. :thinking:


Active Member
ofcourse the universe is expanding... technology can take us further...
if the universe ends is there a sign that says "you have reached the end of the universe... turn around"... and there is a starbucks there that sells coffee for $0.25 a cup...
what if we spelled moon... "S" "U" "N"...
what if by putting things into outer space we have already started "johnny apple seeding"... and have yet to see what will grow... or have yet to be told what we have done... :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
what if by putting things into outer space we have already started "johnny apple seeding"... and have yet to see what will grow... or have yet to be told what we have done... :thinking:
This is a great thought, At one point there was life on the moon, man. We have sent devices on to Mars, Venus, other bodies and just out there....What if just like in our tanks, there is hitch hikers along for the ride.... :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
In my astronomy class I learned that there are at least a million other earth like planets in the universe...anyone who doesn’t think life exist outside of our little bubble is very naive.
I disagree; it depends on how you believe life began. Still, we can avoid that debate..
Look at it this way... look at the crazy amount of "coinscidences" it took for life to "evolve" on Earth. Had one thing gone wrong life would had been wiped out. One bad case of genetic drift could have stopped life cold in it's tracks.
To believe the complexity of life could occur more than once seems to me to be naive.


Active Member
I dont think its naive to think either way.......who can know ?
Know one knows what natural event was needed to start life...
A goo of minerals getting struck by lightning at the same time lava fell in it....whatever...why could that not happen some where else, the minerals and methods forming our solar system and galaxy is same thing happening everywhere in the universe. Even a slightly different mixture or event could/might result in a different form of life. Something that we can not even imagine because our earthly life forms are all we know.....
If one beleives in God, why could he not create life some where else ?...He sure would be able to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
I dont think its naive to think either way.......who can know ?
Know one knows what natural event was needed to start life...
A goo of minerals getting struck by lightning at the same time lava fell in it....whatever...why could that not happen some where else, the minerals and methods forming our solar system and galaxy is same thing happening everywhere in the universe. Even a slightly different mixture or event could/might result in a different form of life. Something that we can not even imagine because our earthly life forms are all we know.....
If one beleives in God, why could he not create life some where else ?...He sure would be able to.
Nicely Done, Dogstar!
I believe there definately could be other life out there. It's such a thought provoking concept.
Besides, I loved X-Files!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I disagree; it depends on how you believe life began. Still, we can avoid that debate..
Look at it this way... look at the crazy amount of "coinscidences" it took for life to "evolve" on Earth. Had one thing gone wrong life would had been wiped out. One bad case of genetic drift could have stopped life cold in it's tracks.
lots of things have gone wrong on earth and life isnt wiped out... are micro organisms not life or are we talking about what we know as "intelligent life forms"???
Originally Posted by 1journeyman

To believe the complexity of life could occur more than once seems to me to be naive.
the reverse is true too...


Staff member
I think plenty of things go wrong all the time to earth, and certainly in the "early years" when the planet was still being bombarded by astronomical bodies. For instance, a large asteroid hits the earth and wipes out the dinosaurs. Still, small mammals live and continue on. If you go further back, and believe in the proto-earth theory, where a water earth was hit by a Mars size protoplanet, and viola, Earth as we know it was created, now with the addition, and so very important--Moon.
It does not take much for life to get going, since life itself comes from the stars that make up the known universe. Now, if you are going to stick to fundamental religious beliefs, this may not be the best topic for you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
It does not take much for life to get going, since life itself comes from the stars that make up the known universe. Now, if you are going to stick to fundamental religious beliefs, this may not be the best topic for you.
Not at all my friend.. just the opposite. To me the study of life is the core of fundamental religion.
You say it doesn't take much for life to begin, yet we've never seen it? How is that possible?
Don't get me wrong, I don't take Genesis as literal, but everyday I learn more about Biology the more I'm convinced it wasn't random.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
I dont think its naive to think either way.......who can know ?
Know one knows what natural event was needed to start life...
A goo of minerals getting struck by lightning at the same time lava fell in it....whatever...why could that not happen some where else, the minerals and methods forming our solar system and galaxy is same thing happening everywhere in the universe. Even a slightly different mixture or event could/might result in a different form of life. Something that we can not even imagine because our earthly life forms are all we know.....
If one beleives in God, why could he not create life some where else ?...He sure would be able to.