Thoughts on these possible new additions?


I am looking to add more fish to my tank and would love some feedback!
I currently have a 90gal tank which is just over 4ft long.
I have a 338 gal rated skimmer which is nearly 4 times my system volume.
There is plenty of swimming room in my tank after re-aquascaping over the weekend before I got any further additions. There are a few corals in there at the moment and will be adding more over time.
Currently I have in the tank:
Fuzzy Dwarf Lion
Coral Beauty
2 Damsels
Arrow Goby
Rock Boring Urchin
Tigertail Cucumber
And a couple of snails
I had a Clown up until Friday when he went swimming down the overflow :(
I would like to get the following:
2 Clowns + an Anemone (about 1 1/2 - 2 inch minimum so they dont become lunch to the lion)
Blue Hippo Tang (about 2 inches to start)
And would also like to a fish that will clean my sand, although not sure what yet


Active Member
Unless you plan on upgrading within the next year, I think the Blue Hippo needs a larger tank. Other than that, I think you're good to go.


I am planning on upgrading to a 125gal approx in the next 6mths. Fingers crossed everything goes to plan!
I thought that it may get too big for my size tank, but would still love to give it a go and Im sure it would be able to hold out until I upgrade?
There is plenty of swimming room as I have moved half of the live rock towards the back so the tank looks awesome, but with the fish I have it just looks so damn empty lol.
I think I definately want to give it a go, and if things dont go to plan and I dont get to upgrade I will find him a new home, this isn't ideal I know, but am 90% sure I am upgrading.